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Detailed reports - grouping by date [MOVED]


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Sometimes is very difficult find right report.
There are a lot of items. Grouping by date (like in windows explorer grouping by date) should be very helpful and clear. 

As you can see in screen below are repors from today (16.9.2020, 15.9, etc 05.09.) many days.



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Nexon, That’s why i had suggested dual mode in report interface in my post “report interface has been redone”. This report interface is very complex to be seen. In KIS 2020, it was more visual and more target-focus. This report is not handy,in my opinion.. 


Best regards

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harlan4096, at least this report interface looks better than now. But in KIS 2020, i got used to see that report view and it was more userfriendly and more simple, in my opinion. Some people may like detailed reports, some people may like simple reports as i like,too. 🙂 Wouldn’t it be better to switch between 2 modes (simple (as in KIS 2020),  detailed (as in KIS 2021) modes) ? 🙂 The users would use the mode they like.. 🙂 I wish they see my suggestion, and they change it to dual mode in report interface in the future.. 



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