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Database update sometimes take over an hour.

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Hello Crossley, Welcome! An hour is a long time, however, there are so many factors that could be influencing the issue... It's difficult to provide a answer, analysis, solution to the question.
  1. Are you using KSC (VPN) any other VPN?
  2. Have you reset Kaspersky software?
  3. Have you reset / fully rebooted the router?
  4. Does the issue happen at a particular time of day?
  5. Have you tried downloading the updates from a different Kaspersky server?
We could be more targeted in our analysis / advice if you'd be kind enough to collect a GSI ▶️when the problem is happening ◀️ Reference: https://support.kaspersky.com/common/diagnostics/3632#block7 *Assuming the operating system is Windows, please collect Windows Logs when the GSI tool presents the option. When the GSI .zip folder is ready, please upload the FULL .zip folder, logs and requested info to cloud storage of your choice and please post back the link? With the information collected by the GSI/logs, we'll be more able to provide advice specific to your situation. Thank you!
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