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cmd screen popping up for a couple of seconds before disappearing. It seems to be related to %Appdata%.

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I experience an issue since a week or 2.

There is a cmd screen popping up at a frequent rate for a couple of seconds before disappearing.

It seems to be related to %Appdata%.

Could you help me address this annoying matter.


Thanks and regards.

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I experience an issue since a week or 2. There is a cmd screen popping up at a frequent rate for a couple of seconds before disappearing. It seems to be related to %Appdata%. Could you help me address this annoying matter? 

Hello @Luu VU



  1. Which Kaspersky Total Security (KTS) version & patch(x) is installed → on the Windows Taskbar or hidden icons, rightclick the Kaspersky icon, select About 
  2. Is the  “%Appdata% cmd screen popup” a Kaspersky alert → open KTS, select More tools, select Reports → are there any events in the timeframe that match the alert → save the Report as a text file (*.txt) & attach📎 to your reply? 
  3. Post a full screen, screen print of the  “%Appdata% cmd screen popup” please? 
  4. Check - do all Windows updates have a “Successfully applied” status? 


  1. Press Win + R → type: cmd  → click "OK" to bring up Command Prompt;
  2. Type: sfc /scannow →  press Enter; allow scannow to complete & do not run any other apps while it’s running. 
  3. Copy & paste the scannow result to a text document & attach📎 to your reply? 
  4. Shutdown PC using Shutdown, not Restart, power on, login, check if   “%Appdata% cmd screen popup” continues? 

Please let us know?

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

Additional resource: 

Tutorial by @Danila T. Read before you create a new topic!

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Thank you for your feedback.

Attached are the files you requested. However, I cannot catch the popup screen as it was quickly close. It seems to be related to Adobe/ Roaming/ ctbg… (not sure this is the right file name).


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Hi Bernie,

I have identified where the popup screen comes from:

Actually, it’s related to the file (or app?) “btgbchf” 

Unfortunately, I cannot copy and send it to you.

I still waiting for the KVL feedback!

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@Luu VU

From your Post above i understood you already cleaned up the MBAM detections ?
Your quote : “Moreover, the 2 threats have been treated by Malewarebytes.”

Only FYI, if you run MBAM in Real-Time  please disable the Ransomeware protection.




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