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cloud protection/KSN: How to disable? [MOVED]

Go to solution Solved by deety,

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Thanks for the response, but there isn’t a Kaspersky Security Network section in my Settings/Protection menu. The option above “Software Updater” in my menu, unlike the one in the image you provided, is “Data Provision Agreement”. Is that what you mean? I cant really make out the screenshot as its so small :-)

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Hello @deety

You’re most welcome☺ !

  1. Re “I cant really make out the screenshot as its so small”, do you mean the screen prints we posted → did you click/select each one & open them in a new window? 
  2. Which KSC version & patch(x) is installed → on the Windows Taskbar or hidden icons, rightclick the Kaspersky icon, select About
  3. Is KSC Premium or Free? 
  4. Post a screen image of what you see please? 

Thank you🙏



v21.2 Data provision under the End User License Agreement

v21.2 Data provision under the End User License Agreement on the territory of the European Union, the United Kingdom, Brazil, or by California residents

v20. Data provision under the End User License Agreement on the territory of the European Union

v20. Data provision under the End User License Agreement outside the territory of the European Union

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Thanks for response.

I'm actually looking at these responses on a tablet, and not on the actual system, but from what I recall the software is the latest pc version of total security , not a free version as the license has 221 days left. I'll be able to tell better later on when I get back to that system. Until then thanks.

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Hello @deety

Thank you for posting back, the image & the information👌

  1. May we know your location please (Country) & are you in GDPR & or California? 
  2. Open KTS, select Data Provision agreement, in the top right hand corner, select the ❔ (Help), post back the URL that opens please? 
  3. When you installed KTS, did you DECLINE KSN

Please post back? 

Thank you🙏


How to enable or disable participation in Kaspersky Security Network

Participating in Kaspersky Security Network

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Thanks for the response.

So basically it looks like it isn’t possible to disable this (rather underhand) data collection system any more. I tried the other options I have  found and they are “not advised”. It seems to come down to “if you use our software you will provide data wether you wont to or not”.

It couldn’t be more obvious that an attempt is being made to force the use of this KSN network thing, by making it VERY difficult to switch off.

I’ve got ages left on my license, otherwise I would just dump Kaspersky completely. I certainly wont be renewing my license again. 

Thanks very much for trying to help though, much appreciated.

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How do I turn this off? It frequntly blocks completely secure sites, just because it doesn’t recognise what they are.

Hi @deety , 

KSN is there to add another layer of protection, every user benefits from it. Site are not blocked simply because they are not known yet in KSN. 

Can you provide an example? Which site was blocked and what was the verdict?


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Thanks for the response.

So basically it looks like it isn’t possible to disable this (rather underhand) data collection system any more. I tried the other options I have  found and they are “not advised”. It seems to come down to “if you use our software you will provide data wether you wont to or not”.

You are welcome.

If you do not want to, as you said, the GDPR laws of European countries apply. It was mentioned above.

We do not oblige a user. If you do not want to use the KSN feature, you should be able to turn it off.

If your main goal is to close KSN, you can do it this way. Since KSN is a safety net used to identify viruses faster, we do not recommend turning it off.

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Thanks for the response.

I cant really remember as I was foloowing links from Youtube videos.

The main issue is that I am not allowed to control the software for which I have paid. A rather draconian attitude for a paid-for peice of software. If it’s mine I should be able to use it as I wish. If it’s not mine then Kaspersky can keep it….I’ll go elsewhere.

Anyway as no-one seems to be coming up with a way to switch this off it would seem as though there isn’t actually a way to do so, as the experts on this forum would probably know how to do so if it were possible. At least thats my opinion.

Thanks for the responses though, very enlightening.

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