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Clarify New User discounts.


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Hi Community,

Recently, I viewed that discounts, for some Kaspersky applications, are available ONLY to new users.


Might someone help clarify what a new user is?


Is a new user for someone that selects a different Kaspersky application? For example, I have Internet Security and update to Total Security?


Is a new user someone that has never bought a Kaspersky product in their lifetime?


Is a new user someone that has not had a Kaspersky application in over a year?


Maybe there is already a link to his question and I did not find it.


Thanks for your input and insights.  



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Hi Berny,


To follow-up, how does the Kaspersky Legal Department define a new user?

Is a new user someone that has never purchased a product from Kaspersky in their lifetime?

Is a new user, a user that has never used a specific Kaspersky application?

Is the spouse of an existing paid user of a Kaspersky app considered a new user?

Kindly see attached image and thanks in advance for your clarification. 




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@Jonathan212  Please see this Topic :


→ From @Danila T. 


From time to time we may run promotional introductory offers across our product range for new customers. A promotional offer may include 1 or more products, but not necessarily across our whole product range, and unless otherwise stated, will only apply to purchases made when the offer is live. Additionally, any promotional offers do not necessarily apply to both new and existing customers unless otherwise stated. We highly value our customers, and to reward them for their loyalty, we will from time to time run exclusive promotional offers for current customers only e.g. if a customer renews early.

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As far as i understand  when you purchase for the first time a Kaspersky product you are considered  as a new customer .




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