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Certificate message on Kaspersky free, secure traffic in Windows is not monitored.

Go to solution Solved by Schulte,

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Hi, I got this message couple of days ago, I think it is maybe because of new Thunderbird update, not sure. After months of use this is the first time I got this message. When I click learn more it opens this page.


So do I need to follow those steps on link? What is the meaning of that message? What do I lose if I don't use these instructions? 


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Should I try instructions from link I posted in my first post? Should I use both of them:

1. How to add the Kaspersky root certificate to the Mozilla Firefox or Thunderbird certificate storage

2. How to reconfigure Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird to make them use the system certificate storage

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Ok, thanks for clearing that up. Followed instructions from my first post:

How to add the Kaspersky root certificate to the Mozilla Firefox or Thunderbird certificate storage

- I successfully exported and imported certificate in Firefox. Than I followed instructions from your link. At step where I need to open Firefox and Thunderbird, in TB I got again that message about add to exclusions. When I switched again to Windows certificate in Kaspersky, message is gone. So it worked without problems with FF but why did I saw that message in TB.  Link in first post stated that I only import it in Firefox.

I now looked and in certificates setting in FF I can see this new Kaspersky certificate I imported, but it isn’t anywhere to bee seen in TB. So should I import it also in TB?

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