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I have a 10 user liecence and have only 9 devices with Kaspersky intsalled. One of these is a new PC and I cannot activate Kaspersky on it. I have downloaded the application, enetered the activation code, screen tells me that I have 180 days left on my licence and so I select Finish. The application then asks again for the activation code. Meanwhile the Device shows (Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud) that the Device status = Critical  due to the End User Licence Agreement Violated (as application has not been activated).

  • 2 weeks later...


the activation for the Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Product will be done in the Cloud Management Console itself.

Then you create and download the Installationpackage and install it on your clients.

You do not have to enter the license locally on the client. Once the client is synchronizing it get all necessary settings from cloud.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, I have the same problem, I have 4 PCs connected to the Cloud Management Console, but only 2 are licensed, the other 2 are not and they are all connected to the console. I've already installed it twice and nothing. What can I do? Thanks.

Licença Serv 235.jpg

Licença ok Serv 237.jpg

  • 2 weeks later...


even this is not the ususal way enter your activation code of your successive license (Abo) locally into the KES Console and check if it will be kept or if it disappear again after some time.

If it will not solve the problem please open a Supportticket here: https://CompanyAccount.kaspersky.com 

To be able to work on Kaspersky Endpoint Cloud issues we need the information below in addition:

- WID: [Workspace ID)
- UID: [Login ID, Email]
- Srv: [Server connecting to like  sXXX.cloud.kaspersky.com]
- GSI Report of a client having the problem: 
https://support.kaspersky.de/3632 (please include Eventlogs)
- let us know if clients use a Proxy Server to access the Internet

Thank you in advance
Best Regards


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