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Can not display list of processed objects, according to detailed reports window.


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Hello, I use KTS (database 2 Oct. 2019) on MS Windows 8.1 x64 Pro EN. Today when OS booted, as usual, KTS started and completed quick scan, vulnerability scan and rootkit scan. Pop-up message window of KTS stated that there were detected objects by Quick Scan of which all of them are neutralized. Also Vulnerability Scan pop-up stated there were detected objects. However when I perform the following monitoring actions, I can not see any entries, no so called detected and processed/neutralized objects are listed: 1- Detailed Reports window, Quick Scan entry shows "Objects detected: 7, neutralized: 7, not disinfected: 0". 1a- Neither viewing via event details (All Events) of latest Quick Scan entry nor exporting this entry's entities, did not show/display any list of detected or processed files, filenames or lists. Neither of these approaches succeded in displaying list of detected/processed files. MainScreen*MoreTools*Reports*DetailedReports MainScreen*MoreTools*Reports*Neutralized(entry): Strangely this shows 3 objects as Neutralized. MainScreen*Details*RecommendationsSection: No evidence of detection is displayed in Recommendations area or other areas of Notification Center window. 2- Detailed Reports window, Vulnerablity Scan entry shows "Objects detected: 16, neutralized: 8, not disinfected: 0". 2a- Here the 8 unprocessed objects are non up-to-date installations of software/programs which Vulnerability Scan always warns me, but I prevent it to process or update them. No problem here. 2b- The reason of my post happened minutes ago today, last night I updated Windows and it updated Adobe Flash componet. Here you go... MainScreen*MoreTools*Reports*DetailedReports of Vulnerability Scan lists the processed files: Vulnerable object (file) detected C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_32_0_0_192.dll Vulnerable object (file) detected C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\pepflashplayer32_32_0_0_192.dll Vulnerable object (file) detected C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash\pepflashplayer64_32_0_0_192.dll Vulnerable object (file) detected C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF64_32_0_0_192.dll Vulnerable object (file) detected C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe Vulnerable object (file) detected C:\Program Files\iTunes\iTunes.exe Vulnerable object (file) detected C:\Program Files\BIN\vlc-3.0.3\vlc.exe Vulnerable object (file) detected C:\Program Files\BIN\vlc-3.0.3\vlc-cache-gen.exe My questions: 1- What is going on? 2- How can I correctly display the list of objects and files which are; a- detected b- processed 3- How can I display the list of objects and files in reports files or via exporting reports which are; a- detected b- processed ??? Edit 20191013:1321 Quarantine info: There are no files, objects in quarantine area though I allow 1 GB of space for it. Addendum to questions: 4- Is only one engine/function is performing all kinds of processing of detected objects? Do, say, QuickScan and Vulnerability Scan have their own separate cleaning assigned/designated engines for processing of detected objects?
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Welcome. "Vulnerable" means out of date. Please update to current version of Firefox, Flash Player, iTunes, VLC Player, etc. Then restart and scan again. Any better after that?
Thank you richbuff but I explained in detail the sitiuation of my existing vulnerable-listed items along with currently apperared vulnerable-labelled items. My problem thus questions are in a totally different aspect. In short, KTS can not show/display (a list of) the detected and/or processed items it has mentioned as "there are xxx items..." in reports. That's my problem. I very well know why my outdated apps are labelled as vulnerable by KTS. QuickScan reports 7 items detected, 7 items processed, can not list any of them. At the same time, VulnerabilityScan reports, 16 items detected (of which 8 of them are existing apps that I'm happy to live with, so pls ignore these 8 ), 8 items processed, 8 items ignored (pls refer to prvious paranthesis), but lists only 5 new items (existing 5 is very well known by me). What's more, Neutralized entry in Reports shows only 3 items, in which from a total of 7 + 8 = 15 !!!! Very inconsistent reporting! All are detailly explained in my original post. BTW IMHO, the problem aroused because current KTS/database is incompatible with latest Windows 8.1 Adobe Flash updates, IMHO.
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