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Can "Kaspersky News" popups be disabled?

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I’m running Kaspersky Free v21.3.10.391(g) on Windows 10 and have recently started encountering these (most unwelcome) popup advertisements. There used to be a toggle in the “Additional” section of the application’s settings which was in relation to seeing news and announcements but this seems to have been removed.


Does anybody know if these intrusive adverts can be disabled? A registry tweak of sorts perhaps? I’d considered reinstalling an earlier version which didn’t exhibit this behaviour but I daresay this is only a temporary fix as the program would no doubt update to the latest version in time and begin doing the very same again regardless.


Any input appreciated!




Hello @tbcam88, Welcome.

The options you are looking for are located in ‘Settings->Interface’.




Hi @Schulte,


Thanks for your quick response. Those options don’t seem to be available in my version of Kaspersky Free. The Interface tab is as follows:






Hi @tbcam88,

that is of course bad if these settings are missing in your version.
I have no way to recreate this right now.

Maybe the self-promotion is the price you pay for the free version.
Exact information can probably only give the support or a KL employee.


Yeah , you can easily do this in setting .

  Riverjoans said:

Yeah , you can easily do this in setting .


Could you please elaborate? I think there’s a chance said function may not be available in this version of Kaspersky...

Flood and Flood's wife

Hello @tbcam88, 

Note how the “Swap Kaspersky Free for Kaspersky Security Cloud, only $9.99 for first year blah, blah, blah..” is called News, @Danila T. answered a similar question in topic How to switch off spam by KIS.

From what we understand (of his explanation), there seems to be some “difference”, when Kaspersky classifies something as “News”.

Effectively, (if we understand correctly), in Kaspersky “speak”, News & Promo are the same. 

(ioo) it’s still spam/advertising, but, Kaspersky would clearly disagree with that. 

  1. In your image, there’s a little Envelope✉ icon, next to the Settings⚙ icon, the Envelope represents News, what shows when the Envelope is selected please?

Thank you🙏



Hi @Flood and Flood's wife,


Clicking the letter icon simply takes you to the summary shown below where you can re-open the advertisements that have been delivered so far:



I suspect @Schulte may well be correct and that these promotional pop-ups are mandatory for Kaspersky Free users. A real shame as the application never used to operate under this model.

Flood and Flood's wife

Hello @tbcam88, 

Thank you for posting back & the image!

We agree with Moderator @Schulte & you!

We also suspect, because Kaspersky appears to be powering ahead with the Kaspersky Security Cloud rollout, you may find Kaspersky Free “disappears” at some stage, this has already happened in some regions.

The other option may be to transition to Kaspersky Security Cloud Free, that should have the options @Schulte has shown you in his reply…

Thank you🙏


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