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Application automatic update to new version, setting?

George P

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Hello @George P


No need to apologise,  all questions are important🙂 !

The option to choose when/if, a Kaspersky application updates has been removed, much to the dismay of more than a few Kaspersky users; the process is automatic, make sure the machine is rebooted to fully install a new version. 

Kaspersky users now have to perform a registry hack if they wish to stop an automatic Kaspersky application update. 

In topic KIS makes decisions its not supposed to, Automatic version upgrade, raised by @ias0na, Kaspersky, @Igor Kurzin, has said: “the current version the automatic update cannot be disabled, this may change in the future.”

We sure hope so. 

Thank you🙏


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Thank you.  And especially for the prompt and informative answer.

I also have learned an important fact - while we may trust the automatic minor updates some people (me included) do not reboot very often - do we get any warning when a reboot is required? 

Best regards,



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Do we get any warning when a reboot is required? 


 Hello @George P

You’re most welcome☺ !

You’ve asked another very important question!

We’ll try to explain as best we can, you’ll see why we struggle with this one…. 

Kaspersky’s home AV software patches & versions arrive “silently”, there’s no way of knowing a patch or version, has arrived, however, if, after 7 days, the machine has not been rebooted, you will then be notified →  via a Recommendation in the Kaspersky notification centre, the Kaspersky icon, on the Windows Taskbar or hidden icons will turn red, in (your) MyKaspersky account, the device icon will be coloured orange/yellow & there’ll be a writing advisory, Reboot required.

Kaspersky have never explained why all of the notifications & alerts could not take place when a version or patch arrives, beyond saying “this is the way it’s been done for a very long time”🙄

We say, the process is not customer focused and could be improved, all the notifications exist, it’s the timing of information passed to customers; such a simple thing to improve. 

Just as an example, their other products do alert, when they arrive  → too easy!


Thank you🙏


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Thank you again for your very informative answer. I shall keep an eye on the green shield in the tray in future.
Seven day delay seems strange - perhaps chosen  to spread the update requests? hopefully none of them are urgent.
I have a fairly new installation and I have being going through the settings - your help has encouraged me to start another  question about Trusted Applications which is different to my previous KIS .
Best regards 


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Hello @George P

You’re most welcome☺ !

Strange, yes indeed!

Versions & patches are distributed in staggered distributions, across the globe, the release schedule may last a month or more, so, that doesn’t explain Kaspersky’s “silent” policy. 

From the people we’ve discussed the issue with, all have advised, if they knew a version or patch had “arrived”, they’d take action to apply it, especially if it’s supposed to have fixes on board. 

We’ll keep an eye out for your new topic!

Thank you🙏


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  • 2 months later...

Hello @George P


No need to apologise,  all questions are important🙂 !

The option to choose when/if, a Kaspersky application updates has been removed, much to the dismay of more than a few Kaspersky users; the process is automatic, make sure the machine is rebooted to fully install a new version. 

Kaspersky users now have to perform a registry hack if they wish to stop an automatic Kaspersky application update. 

In topic KIS makes decisions its not supposed to, Automatic version upgrade, raised by @ias0na, Kaspersky, @Igor Kurzin, has said: “the current version the automatic update cannot be disabled, this may change in the future.”

We sure hope so. 

Thank you🙏


thanks for that helpfull answer. My liscence is only for 2019 version so each time i have to uninstall and install again the older version for activation. they activation key doesnt work for 2020 and 2021 versions, any solution??

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thanks for that helpful answer. My licence is only for 2019 version so each time i have to uninstall and install again the older version for activation, the activation key doesn't work for 2020 and 2021 versions, any solution??

Hello @Abdouhiji

You’re most welcome!

For our understanding, please explain why the licence is only for 2019 version

Thank you🙏


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