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app lock fingerprint

Go to solution Solved by Flood and Flood's wife,

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Hi users, team,

Is it possible to delay the disappearance of the application lock fingerprint?  My problem is that when I open a locked app because of the lock, the fingerprint reader disappears so quickly that I don’t have time to put my finger there.  I always have to enter the code too, so it’s pretty inconvenient.


Thanks your answers!

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Hello @Kribo


  1.  (a) Device OS? (b) KIS version? refer Read before you create a new topic
  2. Are all the Biometrics security patches up-to-date?
  3. For us, (android v10, KIS v11.70.4.5882), the fingerprint authentication window does not change until we actually authenticate, see video  Link

Please let us know?

Thank you🙏


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Dear @Flood and Flood's wife,


Thank you to your rapid answer and I apologize to my latest answer. 


I download to the latest update which is corrected the applock. Now it is no longer equipped with a fingerprint reader, so I can conveniently unlock with my finger and enter the application of my choice.


Thank you again and sorry to my question. 


Kind regards,


@Kribo kribo

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