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Anti-virus or Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal. Which one should I trust more?

Go to solution Solved by Schulte,

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Hello, everyone.


Recently, my Kaspersky Total Security (KTS) issued an alart telling me that it detected a malware on my PC, but I used the Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal and submitted this file for an analysis and it detected nothing, so I am in doubt which one I should trust more. I would like to hear opinion of others.


I am waiting for answers and thank in advance for any opinion

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Hello, Schulte. How exactly do I copy a line from a detection report?


If you want to know what kind of threat was detected, my KTS detected:








(Yes, it is two files. Both of them are part of a game)

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Hello @,

thank you for the verdicts.

The first one (UDS) is a detection by the cloud (KSN). This can detect malware that has not yet been added to the databases.

The second (PDM) is a detection by behavior control, the program behaves like a trojan.

In this case, I would trust your KTS rather than the 'Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal'. In the portal the files are not executed.

You can never rule out a false positive, but I would take the case seriously and ask the manufacturer or its community.

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