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Annoying VPN Pop-up advertiser appears on my desktop

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Hello, I already disable all the notifications, but a VPN Pop-up advertiser appears on my desktop. It's too annoying, I paid for this software to avoid this type of thing. Can anyone help me with this?
Hello Sebastian z, Welcome to the Community ? As you're using Kaspersky licensed software, can you share with us:
  1. Operating System Name? Version? Build?
  2. KTS Version? Patch(x)? {x = letter}
  3. KSC Version? Patch(x)? {x = letter}
  4. Images of notification(s) please?
  5. Can you collect GSI and Windows logs, upload them to the cloud storage and post the link using the "upload icon" in your, please?
  1. & just to check, you've unselected all "notifications", in both KTS & KSC?
  1. Please let us know?
GSI reference doc: https://support.kaspersky.com/common/diagnostics/3632#block7 Thanks.
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