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All files renamed [SPLIT]

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Hello. 2 days ago my files were encrypted too. All files renamed to like 3441546223@qq_com_ncov [link disabled] id-EC5F4F57 It happened due to week password on my RDP.

I used Windows defender (antivirus) and account was not Admin - it was user account without any system permissions. I am surprised, I expected that user’s account can’t raise permission for virus for encryption files...

So I contacted with other antivirus vendors and all of them tell me, that files can’t be decrypted, because private key needed.

I contacted with hacker his email [removed]  and he offered me pay 3000 USB by BTC, but due one day he decreased price to 1500 USD )

I am not Kaspersky customer, but I can provide my examples of encrypted files, to improve chance for decrypt it in future. How to do it?

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