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Hi all,

I'm curious why I'm getting a warning for the site test.opossumconcept.com, but it works fine on other devices and other antiviruses? It's not corrupted.
Whenever I access the site, a warning appears on Kaspersky.
I use the free PC version, windows 10.
It's my web site so I'm afraid it's infected or my PC.
On live domain there is no warning. But I'm worried again and don't know why it appears.

Can you check?


Event: Visit to a website was prevented
User type: Initiator
Application name: chrome.exe
Application path: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application
Component: Safe Browsing
Result description: Blocked
Type: Threat of data loss
Name: https://test.opossumconcept.com/
Precision: Exactly
Threat level: High
Object type: Web page
Object path: https://test.opossumconcept.com
Reason: Cloud Protection



Welcome to Kaspersky Community.


I can't reproduce that detection with my KES 12.8 🤔





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