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Добрый день. Есть центральный сервер KES и подчиненные сервера KES в регионах. Если настроить их использование в качестве WSUS, могут ли подчиненные сервера забирать обновления Microsoft с центрального сервера, так же как они получают определение вирусных баз?

Danijel Jovanovic JAPICOM
9 minutes ago, psxReboot said:

Hello. I have a central KES server and subordinate KES servers in the regions. If I configure them to be used as WSUS, can the subordinate servers fetch Microsoft updates from the central server, just as they fetch virus definitions?



Thanks. Is there any aditional settings? Can you reffer me to the manual?

Danijel Jovanovic JAPICOM

Well you can find technical infos here https://support.kaspersky.com/ksc/15.1/5022

But from your question i think that you wont find all the answers in documentations. For that scenario that you want to achieve i think that there is more than ''manual'' that you gonna need.

I have done implementation with one primary KSC and 30-35 secondary KSCs with WSUS capability for example. There is a lot of planing that needs to be done before that kind of scenarios.

I dont know if its now in documentation, but one really important thing is to disable any existing Microsoft WSUS if you are using it before configuration of that service through KSC.

Maybe it would be better to organise some teams or some other call and to talk about this if you want. I'll help you if you want. Im pretty sure that i can tell you more than you can find in any documentation 🙂


Thank you again. Actually I just need write some documentation so for now it's enough for me know that I can achieve that possibility. If in the future i get some problems I will ask you.

Danijel Jovanovic JAPICOM

No problems. 🙂

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