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  1. Hi Flood NO it was not unpacked. Reply edited = Links removed. Thank you
  2. Hi Flood, Thank you for your help!! Was the iso unpacked before scanning? The Packet is an ISO file downloaded from the official Kali Linux KS Cloud reports riskware(?) = still resolving on my computer until now. The 2019.4 ISO file from the Official Linux site, scanned with KS Cloud won’t report any Riskware(?) Run Kaspersky Security Cloud All events report & post back please?
  3. This is the Link which i downloaded the kali linux 2019.4 version of kali linux “cdimage.kali.org” and this is the official link which i downloaded the kali linux 2020.2 version “kali.org/downloads” Try it yourself Many thanks Moderator note : Potential malicious links disabled
  4. I just scaned the kali linux 2019.4 iso with kaspesky cloud security and wont report any viruses or malwares. Maybe false negative? or just all things are OK with the 2019.4 version of kali linux.?
  5. File atached. I cannot upload the kali linux iso to the KS Threat management= File to big. Many Thanks
  6. Hallo Flood Thank you for your answer. The Problem as well is that kaspersky will not resolve the issues not Quarantine them just turning and turning. I open an incident to support. Unfortunatly can not upload any infected?? items because they are not in Quarantine yet. i Just stundying for my sec+ at the moment and wanted to test the antivirus so i have a trial version of kasperky cloud security at the moment. Thank you
  7. I just downloaded kali linux 2020.1. i scaned it with the kaspersky security cloud which will report many many viruses. Do you now why? Is this a false possitive report? Thank you for your answer
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