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  1. I always check how look application settings.
  2. That is only scanning tools, not for real time protect. It is now ready and I just finish scanning. Take over 5h. It is now ready and I just finish scanning. I understand Mr Kaspersky is capitalist, but is antivirus boot from USB or CD and is on Linux what is free. Look strange when company use Linux and don't have good software for Linux. You take something free, and you don't give something free. I would remind fast-growing up threat for Linux too and normal users who don't know about installed AV and system updates what can be used ...
  3. Hi. I want protest. It is not a lot of software for Linux. Is for iOS, Android, but not for Linux. That is very good company, but I don't know why still is not something for Linux. Normal users need something good free with active monitoring.
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