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  1. After they actually confirmed the communication is from the company, this is also my bet. I they are just doing a "rebranding", i am taking it. But still quite a feat to try to position a well-known product into a very random existent one. We will see how this goes
  2. Here is the actual email I received but do you know something? Now I am having second thoughts about how legitimate this email is. In a second look, it turns out it is coming from *****@*****.tld and it has a link to what clearly is a funnel page, and the language is quite suspicious. Also, the address in teh signature doesn't match the sender. I guess random companies are taking advantage of the situation and it is another call to be more diligent with the stuff we receive. I hope my little mistake (unless the company communicates the opposite) helps others not to bite on scams
  3. Just received an email about this. It seems we will be handed to another company, UltraAV, which honestly is the first time I heard about. Even though this is a quite better answer than the initial response, I believe it would be better to have a refund option and let us choose which product we would like to use.
  4. Just discussed with support. Let's cut the chase: we will be holding the bag (As always) on this situation. It is clear to me the company policy is not going to issue any refund, and they will hold to the argument "our software will work", which is partially true as the car will start and run, but without the possibility of adding gas will eventually be no as useful or even meet the working criteria. Same on me for trusting and going long term (3 years), I learned my lesson of doing only one year contracts and moving certain services (like password managers) to either open sources or on-premise managed by me platforms. Business as usual, I would say!
  5. I think the political part of the conversation is not as important as what happens next. Rules of the house have changed, and whether I like or not I will have to comply (part of the perks of live in society) What I haven't read so far is what are the alternatives to current customers with long term licenses. As it stands Today, we will not able to use the product after the cut, and it is not hard to figure out will be the case for a while. Hopefully the information is going to get out soon, as migrating to other products will take time and money. Still, it is a shame we cannot use the product considered the industry leader in the field, but it is what it is.
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