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  1. @Berny I contacted website Providers, and they informed that they have scanned my account, and they can see that scan has confirmed there is no malware infection in the account
  2. Dear Sir, I failed to find the script. Wehter this script contains in HTML File or JS Script File ? Please support.
  3. Dear Sir, The Kaspersky report mentioned the infection file is under https://yashasviworld.com/public/images/ But There is no folder name images under public folder in my web server. Can you please expain how to find exact page of infection. I tried to search the code var st=document.createElement... But failed..
  4. Dear Sir, Thank you very much for your quick respose. I couldn't find this particular page - yashasviworld . com/products?id=7&data_from=brand&page=1 as mentioned in your reply. Can you please confirm whether this script is in database or in Webpage.
  5. When I am trying to visit my site, HEUR:Trojan.Script.Balada.gen is downloading. I Contacted my Website Hosting provider and they completed full Virus Scan and inform that, there is no malware existing in my Account. But even after complete scan, kaspersky is detecting HEUR:Trojan.Script.Balada.gen. This problem is almost there for all my websites under this hosting account. My website is www.yashasviworld.com, rangsav.com, amiyproperties.com etc..
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