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  1. Mod edited to remove unnecesary screenshots of private messages.
  2. Kaspersky blocks VPNs as well unless you use their own VPN. Luckily I'm on free and can uninstall and return to another AV since this issue has been plaguing users for years and they have NEVER made any changes to rectify the issue. In other words, using Kaspersky inherently makes trying to use a VPN, UNSAFE. And no, I refuse to post a screenshot because nothing has been done for the last 30+ users that have experienced similar/same problems in the last two years. JUST FIX IT. How about YOU take to further up the chain, seeing as the problem is coming from your side and you're already working there. Stop wasting people's time, the same way we are harassed by a pop-up when using a VPN or changing from one secure network to another or even virtual, is the same way in which Microsoft has harassed its users to use Microsoft Edge. We do not want to use your VPN products, let us use our own. The fact that these pop-ups disappear when using the Kaspersky VPN is a clear sign that it specifically blocks non-Kaspersky products. Which is not only highly suspicious for a security software company that likes to tout their trustability to their users and potential users but you have to question how effective their own products are. You know how difficult it is to say to someone that I use Kaspersky? Do you know how fed up I am of hearing where the company is based and why I should be suspicious about it? Do you not see how easy it is to leave once you take a second to add things up? When was the last independent security audit of the company? Just allow the bloody non-Kaspersky VPNs, this is getting ridiculous.
  3. It not only blocks that but it blocks VPNs as well unless you use their own VPN. Luckily I'm on free and can uninstall and return to another AV since this issue has been plaguing users for years and they have NEVER made any changes to rectify the issue. In other words, using Kaspersky inherently makes trying to use a VPN, UNSAFE.
  4. It not only blocks that but it blocks VPNs as well unless you use their own VPN. Luckily I'm on free and can uninstall and return to another AV since this issue has been plaguing users for years and they have NEVER made any changes to rectify the issue. In other words, using Kaspersky inherently makes trying to use a VPN, UNSAFE.
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