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Geoff Miller

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  1. I’m seeing an issue with my Mac deployments. They’re all asking for an activation code instead of using the license that’s assigned to their workspace. Assistance appreciated.
  2. Is there confirmation that this is fixed and working? And that PC clients are communicating with the servers for updates and as they should? It appears we have 11.7 in our distributions now.
  3. Well, I see that the “as soon as Monday” release, isn’t. Still looking at v11.7 in the distribution packages. Why isn’t there an official response to this? Sure seems like someone is sitting on their hands about owning this and then marshaling the dev team to roll that build back officially until they get working code. That they let this slip through without catching this (fairly obvious bug, too) implies that things are loose, which for an AV threat company, is scary.
  4. This would be a fail. It’s not letting me elevate this to admin to run it and it tosses a permissions error when it’s ran and is unable to complete.
  5. I don’t recall being “asked” if I wanted to go through this, just saying.
  6. I just “discovered” this feature after speaking to a support rep about the everything offline that is being reported here. Deployed 5 servers to a high profile sports franchise and now I’m being told that their $90k investment is running unprotected. Nice. A patch is “supposed” to be forthcoming “maybe” by Monday. Nice response time to a critical flaw issue. My butt is also a chapped about the ongoing BS of useless reseller panels and pages. Company page is only used for your “company ID”. All the management “functions” for your licensing management is fake. It doesn’t really update anything (this is all coming from the support rep). Purchasing addition seats is updated by getting an email. Doesn’t update in the reseller company portal. The BS “widgets” on the client workspaces showing fake charts and data that doesn’t reflect anything to do with the actual data from the client. The slapped together websites that do NOT appear to talk to each other or run very fast. Why can’t there be a nice portal screen that gives you insights to your workspaces, threats and management without the LONG loading when dancing between workspaces? And billing. We’re buying through Ingram Micro and that’s the only way we know what we’re being charged. There’s no window into our current pricing tier vs the MSRP and seeing what each client workspace is using/billing. Useful info, yes?I swear, if it wasn’t such a huge PITA to remove Kaspersky and move to another product, I wouldn’t even be writing this. Fix your house! I don’t want to hear “we’re working on it”, I’ve heard that for a year.
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