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Fernando Silva

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Posts posted by Fernando Silva

  1. Hello @FLOOD 

    Sorry for not providing so much info at beggining. So here we go:

    1. I’m using Windows 10 x64 v1903.
    2. My KTS is
    3. Actually I can’t see any log error when firewall enabled and SMB didn’t work, I don’t know where on KTS I can start or check real time package monitor ( if there is any)
    4. On my ethernet adapter, I can’t see any “sharing” options.
    5. I’ve checked my network profile and it was on public network, I’ve changed to private and not works, it appear that somehow KTS firewall keep denying SMB connections. I didn’t saw any deny SMB firewall rule.
    6. The only “issue” is when I had the older version (KTS 19) I was able to change on firewall > Network properties > the network properties. Actually mine is set to public ( even when I changed my windows network profile ) and I can’t change at any cost like before. I believe this setting is blocking my sharing. My KTS is configured in my local language, and I couldn’t revert to english, I’ll post this print and if necessary I translate to you:

    1-Network type option

    2-My ethernet adapter configured as “Public network”

    Available options are:

    3- Public Network (currently applied)

    4-Local Network (Can’t select it as KTS19)

    5-Trusted Network (Can’t select it as KTS19)

  2. Hello, 

    I have on my PC the KTS and when I share some directory from my windows, I can’t access this share remotely because KTS firewall blocks connections.

    When I go to firewall settings and network, I can edit my networks connections, but when try to edit my main network ethernet, it’s not allows me to change any configuration like network type. The only available option is Public network and I can’t change it.

    So if I want to access my remote share, I have to temporarily disable KTS firewall setting.

    What can I do to access share without having to disable the firewall setting?

    Thank you.

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