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  1. I wanted to check if trxs.cc is a malicious website, so I checked it on various websites that can do this. I accidentally typed the wrong webpage as trxc.cc and clicked on it. I originally wanted to see the analysis but ended up opening the webpage. I'm worried I might have gotten a virus because I wasn't paying attention and opened it. It timed out (ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT). Does this mean there's no problem? I'm not very familiar with this, so I wanted to ask. Also, I checked trxs.cc on VirusTotal, and one result said it was malicious while the others said it was clean. Is this a false positive? And trxc.cc was all clean? So what does this mean? I don't really understand. Please help. Although my phone don't open the trxc.cc website but it have opened the trxs.cc so it will make my device get virus?
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