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  1. The reason I opened the second thread was to make the situation more understandable(not everyone is a programmer). to make more clarify: if there is a section within a page marked with lazy load, normally the other parts of the page should load, and the mentioned section should load after the fetch operation is completed. However, the entire page is waiting for the fetch operation to finish. I don't have this problem when I turn off the Kaspersky. What setting in Kaspersky could be causing this? I tried to explain with the picture I added:
  2. @Berny Hi berny. what do you mean with Kaspersky detection?
  3. Hi. Kaspersky blocks the opening of a whole page if there is a fetch operation inside the page until the fetch operation is finished? How can i disable it?
  4. Hello. I am a web developer. I discovered something interesting while developing projects with Nextjs. Kaspersky software preventing suspense in Nextjs from working correctly. When I turn off kaspersky it fixes it, but I don't want to turn Kaspersky off completely. Which setting in Kaspersky could this be related to?
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