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  1. I've used Kaspersky for years and agree with a majority of the comments made here. Like it or not, the Final Determination was issued under the authority granted in Executive Order (EO) 13873, “Securing the Information and Communications Technology and Services Supply Chain.” You should know the prohibitions will take effect in two stages. Beginning 12:00 am ET on July 20, 2024, Kaspersky will be prohibited from entering into any new agreement with US persons involving one or more of the transactions identified above. Beginning 12:00 am ET on September 29, 2024, Kaspersky and any of its successors or assignees will be prohibited from: Providing any anti-virus signature updates and codebase updates associated with the ICTS transactions identified above; and Operating the Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) in the United States or on any US person's information technology system. The Final Determination imposes a prohibition globally on Kaspersky concerning its provision of specified products and services to any US person. It is important to note that this prohibition does not expose the users of Kaspersky’s products to the risk of civil or criminal penalties. Specifically, US persons will not face enforcement actions by the Department for the continued use of Kaspersky products obtained prior to the issuance of the Final Determination. However, US persons are advised to seek alternative products, as Kaspersky will no longer be allowed to provide signature updates needed for effective anti-virus protection after 12:00 am ET on September 29, 2024. Further, while US persons may continue to use Kaspersky products after the effective date, they should consider whether the continued use of Kaspersky products would breach their cybersecurity insurance policies or subject them to negligence claims in the event of a cybersecurity incident. In short, you can continue to use Kaspersky but you'll not receive any updates.
  2. Since Kaspersky will no longer be allowed to provide signature updates needed for effective anti-virus protection after 12:00 am ET on September 29, 2024, will subscribers receive a pro-rated refund for their subscription beyond that date?
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