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  1. Hi all I am learning python on Windows. Whenever I run a python script in pycharm, in this case testing a website via selenium, I am always setting off the AV protection. It detects my script (main.py) tries to run, but since it's a new PID each time it thinks this is a new program not the same program I have given the permissions before. as a result it asks a billion permissions: can script upate my registry (the networking ones)? --> yes, it tries to visit a web page, touching my TCP registries are mandatory. can selenium update my registry and run the chrome driver etc? --> yes, I am trying to simulate visiting a webpage. selenium needs to start a chrome browser to do that. can the chrome instance spun by selenium do bla A? bla B? and bla C? what can be done so fix this?
  2. nice it is submitted now thanks. but now when i click on analyze button the page doesn't do anything. New edit: Now when i try to submit it again i can't submit the file anymore because kaspersky is blocking it again, even with the perform recommended option automatically is unchecked
  3. hi I wrote a 3 line hello world program in Rust and kaspersky is flagging the .exe file as some kind of malware. I tried to submit the file via opentip but I can't even upload the file because kaspersky is blocking it. How do i get it to unblock the file to submit it for re-evaluation? This is literally my code: fn main() { println!("Hello, world!"); } and the resultant .exe is being flagged as malware: Cargo and rust version: PS C:\Users\jhg\Documents\rust\1stProject> cargo -V cargo 1.62.0 (a748cf5a3 2022-06-08) PS C:\Users\jhg\Documents\rust\1stProject> rustc -V rustc 1.62.0 (a8314ef7d 2022-06-27)
  4. Hi My video game Mass Effect Andromeda can not save any game progress for some reason. And one of the suggestions is to disable Controlled File Access or set it as an exception in Windows Defender. However when I tried to do that it says Kaspersky Total Security is managing that and I can’t edit it via Windows Defender. How do I check if in Kaspersky Total Security it is disabled or not? This is the list of permisson it has right now.
  5. Yes I have a router, but I already checked and it does not block traffic within my network. Also I can ping my Win 10 machine as well as telnet to some of its other open ports so I know it is reachable. Therefore the issue is local. As for testing method I use telnet. It is a linux command line app you just type: telnet IP port.
  6. do i need to reboot or restart? I just moved both to the top and still no luck
  7. Hi I have Kaspersky Total Security on Windows 10 and I am trying to enable port 1234 on my PC. But even after adding the TCP and UDP rules I still cannot telnet into port 1234 on my PC from my other laptop on the same network. Laptop and PC are both on from the laptop I can telnet to my PC on port 135 so connectivity is there. But when I try to telnet to port 1234 it doesn’t work I get connection refused. This is after I added the rules and restarted the PC. I used the guide here to add TCP and UDP port 1234: https://support.kaspersky.com/15158#block4 I am also trying to find where the logs are kept but I don’t see it under the windows application folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Total Security 21.2 here are the screenshots of the rules.
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