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Posts posted by BigBadBong

  1. So, I've been trying to install 1903 feature update, but it keeps failing with error codes that when I searched for, I could only dig down to one of two possible causes that might be the reason. 1) KTS 2) Easy Anti-cheat (anti-hacking software for online games, automatically installed with games like Fortnite and Apex legends) I want to try KTS first, so I want a detailed guide to uninstall then try the update then reinstall it again. In that case, I've a license and I don't want to lose the remaining period of course.
  2. BigBadBong: in More Tools -> Manage Applications -> Application Control -> Show all activity, there is a tab called Run at StartUp, but You can't there enable or disable or delay an application during Windows StartUp, about to delay, I think this is a feature typically controlled by the OS, anyway below there are some links about tools that also can control it. In More Tools -> Manage Applications -> Application Control -> Manage Applications, in column Start You may block manually the start of an application. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4026268/windows-10-change-startup-apps https://www.maketecheasier.com/start-scheduled-tasks-with-delay-windows/ https://www.thewindowsclub.com/set-delay-time-startup-programs-windows https://superuser.com/questions/1047598/want-to-delay-startup-of-program-but-cant-find-it-in-task-scheduler
    Actually this isn't the answer I'm looking for, but then it gave me some good information, so thank you anyways. But, I so remember making this feature "the delayed thing" on Steam and Discord.
  3. Omg, so it's not just me?! I've been trying to contact Microsoft for 2 days now and I keep getting this error code: 0xC1900101 – 0x20017 Which means it's either something wrong with the drivers or the antirvirus, I'm pretty sure everything in my drivers is up to date, but I was suspecting it's this KTS! I really never was a fan of KTS, but when people suggested it, I wanted to see what the gest was about... and man do I regret it; because I've recently had my windows defender discovering a malware, that KTS did NOT!!!!!
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