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  1. 1. Huawei Mate 10 Pro, EMUI 10.0.0 / Android 10, Build: (C432E5R1P3patch02) 2. 3. What I forgot to write in my first message, to problem occurred with the keypad, that opened again until I unlocked the app. This seems not to happen each time, I couldn't reproduce it while filming. But the same problem also occurs if I close a locked app for example. The Android animation is shown and before I can go to my home screen, I must unlock the closed app with AppLock.
  2. Hi All, I just upgraded to Android 10, used Kaspersky Internet Security also before on 9. I activated gesture navigation. I'm locking some apps with the built-in AppLock from Kaspersky Internet Security. I know, that I must login again, when closing the app or sliding down the navigation bar and that's good like it is. The Problem now: It seems that AppLock sees the going-back gesture (a small icon pops in to show this) as an app opened between. Like this it's nearly impossible to work with gesture navigation, because the controlling process from Android gets blocked by AppLock and until I unlocked it, the process ended. Has anyone a solution for this problem? Thanks in advance.
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