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Kaspersky AV products causing conflicts with Seafile Drive Client [Closed]

Go to solution Solved by richbuff,

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We are Seafile’s (www.seafile.com) support partner in Europe. Multiple customers have reported conflicts between Seafile’s Drive Client and Kaspersky AV products (Antivirus, Internet Security, Endpoint Security) to us over the course of the last 6 months.

The most common symptoms are:

  • Drive client is slow
  • Computer does not respond when opening office files from the drive client’s virutal drive
  • Office crashes when opening office files from the drive client’s virtual drive

We have tried various things. The only one thing that removes problems with the drive client is the uninstallation of the Kaspersky product. Adding the drive client to the trusted programms helps somtimes, but not reliably. The problem has also persisted over various version of the drive client and Kaspersky products.

Is there anything you can do? Do you need more info?

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