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Suspicious Email from kaspersky@dach.kaspersky-mail.de

Go to solution Solved by Igor Kurzin,

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Me too.

Interesting that although the perpetrators used an email address that I only use(d) for Kaspersky, I stopped using that address about 6-9 months ago and now have an alternative address in use on my Kaspersky account.

The email wasn't spoofed or hacked through my email provider, so

Come on Kaspersky, they know our names....

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Kaspersky is aware that some users of the company’s products may have recently received emails from the company’s email address with irrelevant content. This email was sent following a misconfiguration in the company's internal IT environment. Kaspersky is reaching out to the company's users to inform them of the issue and apologize for the inconvenience caused.

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7 hours ago, User_W said:

That doesn't really answer the original question.  I received this on an email address ONLY USED FOR KASPERSKY so how has someone matched my name to my Kaspersky email address unless there has been a leak from Kaspersky?

It would be very bad if there was a data leak. if there are really any data leaks we will never know.

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It was reported that they made an incorrect configuration.
I just think that the Kaspersky team had such an error because they made an incorrect configuration, I don't think that was it, because they should already have all this automated.
How is a configuration error going to write an email with customer data and send it? ?

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14 hours ago, Igor Kurzin said:

Kaspersky is aware that some users of the company’s products may have recently received emails from the company’s email address with irrelevant content. This email was sent following a misconfiguration in the company's internal IT environment. Kaspersky is reaching out to the company's users to inform them of the issue and apologize for the inconvenience caused.

I too have received such an email. Please explain more specifically what actually happened to give me and your other (presumably millions of) users some confidence that there hasn't been a data breach. I have all my sensitive and crucial passwords with your password manager app therefore am presently looking for alternative apps given the gross ambiguity in your explanation. What Kaspersky employee would create an email thread using those silly words. It seems clear that an external party with the mentality of an immature hacker would use those words, either that or a competitor attempting to undermine your reputation for security, somewhat successfully.

Waiting (but not long) for a more credible and understandable explanation.


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Hello all,

I think we should not create a big problem here when there is only a small one. If there was a leak, Kapersky would be obligated to report it.

To me this looks like an embarrassing but human accident:
Someone creates a mail to certain customers. When checking (with a dummytext) if it is sent to the proper addresses, he unfortunately clicks on 'Send' instead of 'Preview'. And already he has created the problem.

If I recall right, there was a similar incident about 5 years ago. So I think @Igor Kurzin's explanation is plausible.

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1 minute ago, Schulte said:

Someone creates a mail to certain customers... he unfortunately clicks on 'Send' instead of 'Preview'. And already he has created the problem.

Nobody who drafts dummy text for a large and reputable business writes "Dear and lovely user..." That is the language of the billions of scammers/hackers/etc who send their garbled nonsense when trying to scare recipients.

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The person that created this put their local Windows username and a picture of a BMW in the email. Probably internal.

<P>Hi dear and lovely <FONT color=3D"#008080" face=3D"Courier New" size=3D"=2">LAST</FONT> FIRST, your email is EMAIL</P>
<P><IMG src=3D"C:\Users\mnatsakanov\Downloads\bmw 500x500.jpg" border=3D"0"></P>
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In german:

Hallo Kaspersky-Team,

schließe mich den Anderen hier im Forum an. Habe ebenfalls solch eine E-Mail erhalten und finde das auch sehr suspekt.

Habe aus reiner Vorsicht mein Kennwort geändert, da ich nicht weiß ob sich da Dritte einen makaberen Scherz mit euch/uns erlauben.

In english:

Hello Kaspersky team,

join the others. I got the same email and I find it very suspicious.

I changed my password out of sheer caution, because I don't know if third parties would allow themselves a macabre joke with you/us.

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23 hours ago, shadyheadstash said:

The person that created this put their local Windows username and a picture of a BMW in the email. Probably internal.

<P>Hi dear and lovely <FONT color=3D"#008080" face=3D"Courier New" size=3D"=2">LAST</FONT> FIRST, your email is EMAIL</P>
<P><IMG src=3D"C:\Users\mnatsakanov\Downloads\bmw 500x500.jpg" border=3D"0"></P>

I noticed that too & thought it a careless error by a scammer but now it looks like M Natsakov might be out of a job!!

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2 hours ago, Console6698 said:

So, wait, there was not explanation about this ?
não há problema sobre uma guerra cibernética na Rússia, devo-me preocupar?

talvez seja hora de usar um antivírico diferente 

What are you saying that because of the war a type of email like this can be suspicious?

you will switch to antivirus for which?

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20 hours ago, Gabriela moura said:

I received this 3 days ago, what is this? even my mother's name spoke and I didn't even have an account with that email , what do i do in that case i want an urgent answer from kaspersky 


Now it has become complicated for your mother's name to appear, it is difficult to answer on this subject.

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