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SSL Failed issue of Firefox with Sandboxie @ Version 4.0


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Hi there: It's an issue come with Firefox @ Sandboxie , others were fine . I knew in KIS or KFA , they got the option for me to solve this issue , but no option for Turn off SSL handling in Anti-Ransomware V4 , and KART V2 told me , it won't live forever . I need help , thanks for any solution here . Best Regard
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Flood and Flood's wife
It's an issue come with Firefox @ Sandboxie , others were fine. No option for Turn off SSL handling in Anti-Ransomware V4 ,
Hello Mechanic_Keeper, Welcome! Please tell us:
  1. (core) Operating system, version, build, release
  2. (all) Kaspersky software installed:
  3. Product name: free? licensed?
  4. Version(s)?
  5. Patch(x)? x = letter?
  6. Firefox name? version ?
  7. Sandboxie version ?
  1. Does your installed KART meet all requirements:
https://help.kaspersky.com/KART/3.1/en-US/130192.htm https://help.kaspersky.com/KART/3.1/en-US/130189.htm https://help.kaspersky.com/KART/3.1/en-US/130246.htm https://support.kaspersky.com/15003 ----
  1. IF "yes", please detail the steps taken >> to the endpoint, where the error presents and you need a "solution"?
  2. IF "yes", may we have screen images of the issue please?
  3. &, please, activate Log application events, REBOOT, replicate the issue, STOP logging, upload the logs please?
https://help.kaspersky.com/KART/3.1/en-US/130191.htm Note: logs can be large, it's important to limit the data capture to the replication of the event/s requiring analysis only. ---- Please let us know? Thanks
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Please let us know? Thanks
I've tried these Q&A for days , but still get SSL failed problem , an ugly solution is : If I launch firefox@sandboxie in KART control panel ( click "Get Premium" button ) , then HTTPS connection works fine with KART + firefox + sandboxie .... But it's not usable for daily , I've downgrade to KART V2 temporary . I am going to wait a new option to STOP SSL scaning in KART V4 , if true then upgrade to KART V4, else stay in KART V2 .... Thanks for solutions Best Regard
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Flood and Flood's wife
Launch firefox@sandboxie in KART control panel ( click "Get Premium" button ) , then HTTPS connection works fine with KART + firefox + sandboxie ....
  1. But it's not usable for daily , I've downgrade to KART V2 temporary .
--- I am going to wait a new option to STOP SSL scaning in KART V4 ,if true then upgrade to KART V4, else stay in KART V2 ....
Hello Mechanic_Keeper, Thanks for posting back:ok_hand_tone2:
  1. Do you have a premium licence for any Kaspersky software?
  2. If "yes", please contact Kaspersky Technical Support for them to review your case.
  1. Also, please keep us updated if anything changes, for example, if KART 4. works, as you wish, at any stage, in the (near hopefully) future ?
Best regards. --- KART 1., 2., 3. have all reached EOL. https://support.kaspersky.com/15150 KART 4. (for Business) https://support.kaspersky.com/15003 https://support.kaspersky.com/kart4 --- https://help.kaspersky.com/KART/3.1/en-US/130246.htm
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