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We wanna send/deliver reports to a specific mail from another specific mail.

such as,
Sender: *****@*****.tld
Receiver: *****@*****.tld

We tried to configure mail settings from report delivery task

-- Entered recipient mail address
-- Entered SMTP server address and port

got error cannot communicate / connect SMTP server, but ping connection between KSC and SMTP works fine.

We don't understand what to put in ESMTP which account's credential.

We tried to configure notification settings , please explain in details what we have to , we have already gone through support docs , Please help me in configuration steps in details.

delivery mail 2.PNG

delivery mail.PNG

  • 5 weeks later...

I have the same problem, version

SMTP auth allow on the specific email adress.

1 hour ago, OP11 said:

I have the same problem, version

SMTP auth allow on the specific email adress.

I have successfully solved it

26 minutes ago, Tahmeed702 said:

I have successfully solved it

Could you send me information, how ? Thanks

Renan Corassa
3 horas atrás, OP11 disse:

Você poderia me enviar informações, como? Obrigado

What is your email provider?

3 horas atrás, Tahmeed702 disse:

Eu resolvi com sucesso

When you say you've resolved it, at least provide the solution so your friend can have a horizon to follow.

6 minutes ago, Renan Corassa said:

What is your email provider?

When you say you've resolved it, at least provide the solution so your friend can have a horizon to follow.

Microsoft O365

Renan Corassa
Renan Corassa

Good Luck. 😉

56 minutes ago, Renan Corassa said:

Good Luck. 😉

I read your recommendation. I couldn't find the application password and I saw the SMTP settings from Microsoft, but I haven't been able to find the cause of the error yet - I haven't even found a log anywhere. That's why I asked a colleague to send me information on where I'm making a mistake.

Renan Corassa

If you use GMAIL, test it by creating an application password and configure it in KSC for testing.

6 minutes ago, Renan Corassa said:

If you use GMAIL, test it by creating an application password and configure it in KSC for testing.

I use Microsoft.

Renan Corassa

I mean just for testing, use Gmail if you have a personal account.


But you will almost certainly need to create this app password to use push.

Posted (edited)
21 hours ago, Renan Corassa said:

I mean just for testing, use Gmail if you have a personal account.


But you will almost certainly need to create this app password to use push.

Hi, personal google account does not working. The same problem.

Edited by OP11
Renan Corassa

Strange. Because I configured it using the application password and the sending occurred normally.


Posted (edited)
14 minutes ago, Renan Corassa said:

Strange. Because I configured it using the application password and the sending occurred normally.


Application password - working

Email and password not working.

Sorry for mistake.
is this supported in the future or can I change to SMTP Oauth2 ?

Edited by OP11
Renan Corassa

I will replicate how I did and get back to you shortly.

12 hours ago, Renan Corassa said:

I will replicate how I did and get back to you shortly.

Thank you for your support!

Renan Corassa



Through this link you will be redirected to create the password. (I assume you have already done so).

After this step you must copy this password and configure it in KSC to send notifications.

In the Administration Server properties, navigate to Notifications to perform the configuration.

In this step you will enter the recipient to receive notifications and enter the SMTP address, in the case of testing we will use GMAIL.


Then click on the blue Settings button.

Enter the sender address

Now we will check the ESMTP flag and enter the address that created the app password in GMAIL and the password that you copied (as you received it, with spaces).

After this step, just click on the blue button to Specify the TLS configuration.

Leave the option TLS compatible with the SMTP Server checked.

Once this is done, return to the previous screen and click on the button to Send test message.


Obs: I will try to do the procedure for the M365.



Posted (edited)
22 hours ago, Renan Corassa said:



Prostřednictvím tohoto odkazu budete přesměrováni a vytvoříte heslo. (Předpokládám, že jste tak již učinili).

Po tomto kroku je nutné zkopírovat toto heslo a nakonfigurovat jej v KSC pro odesílání oznámení.

Ve vlastnostech Správce serveru přejděte na Oznámení k provedení konfigurace.

V tomto kroku zadáte příjemce, aby obdržel oznámení a zadáte adresu SMTP, v případě testování použijeme GMAIL.


Poté klikněte na modré tlačítko Nastavení.

Zadejte adresu odesílatele

Nyní zkontrolujeme vlajku ESMTP a zadáme adresu, která vytvořila heslo aplikace v GMAILu a heslo, které jste zkopírovali (jak jste ji obdrželi, s prostory).

Po tomto kroku stačí kliknout na modré tlačítko pro nastavení konfigurace TLS.

Zanechte možnost TLS kompatibilní se Zkontrolovaným serverem SMTP.

Jakmile je to provedeno, vraťte se na předchozí obrazovku a klikněte na tlačítko Odeslat zprávu o testovacím přenosu.


Obs: Pokusím se o postup pro M365.



yes, it works on a google account via app password. I haven't tested Microsoft app password yet, I'm looking for a solution that will be supported as oAuth2 in the future. If you test it with Microsoft, I would appreciate the advice.

Edited by OP11
5 hours ago, OP11 said:

yes, it works on a google account via app password. I haven't tested Microsoft app password yet, I'm looking for a solution that will be supported as oAuth2 in the future. If you test it with Microsoft, I would appreciate the advice.

I have used standard SMTP with name and password authentication, however, given that Microsoft will stop supporting this method in September as I wrote, I am still looking for a solution regarding Oauth2.

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