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Messed up start & update, then corrupt license resolves.


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I have latest version of kis and the same problem keep repeating from time to time :

When kis start the exclamation mark appear and green logo become grey.

Opening it I find corrupt licence information and update is running but at very very very low speed while internet speed is high , it take around 10 minutes. At the end of update , corrupt licence problem is resolved.

Why is this licence problem happen and mostly why this specific update is so low while the normal one take just 1 minute .  Can I get a normal start.


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Hello @Rakasp63


  1. Before installing & or updating the latest version of KIS, was a check for any applications installed on the computer that are incompatible with KIS done?
  2. Do all Windows updates have a “Successfully applied” status? 
  3. Have you uninstalled KIS, save License information only & done a clean install

Please let us know?

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello , sorry for delay. The issue was apparently linked to an issue with Windows 10 start.  Usually it took long to have Windows starting  when using laptop. But , I guess after an update , the start was very quick and Kaspersky issue disappeared.

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