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KPM Greater Customisation [moved]


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Just a thought/idea on how to make KPM a little more user friendly and easier to use. 

  • Giving the ability for users add/choose icons and or colours for folders. This would allow very quick reference just by looking rather than reading the folder name. 
    • Having the folders display in all the individual categories like: “websites, bank cards, ect” rather then only show in the “all entries” 
  • Tile view: On a 15.6” laptop screen, you are only able to fit “two rows for a maximum of 10 tiles”, please make the “size of the folder icons smaller” so a user is able to see a whole lot more. Also applies to “non folder entries
  • List View: Why when opening this view do all the entries always expand!? Giving the user the ability to “collapse all” or “stay collapsed” would be helpful to combat this. 

That's pretty much it. Keep up the great work Kaspersky Team! 

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Hello @new11,

Welcome back!

  • For all product enhancements, please log a case with Kaspersky Technical Support,  select Feedback, I have a Suggestion template, see image @ the end of our reply; in the Suggestion details field, add all the information that will explain what product or feature enhancement you’d like developed; they will assess the request, measure against many benchmarks, sometimes, enhancements are implemented, however, the process can be very slow. 
  • After submitting the case, you’ll receive an automated email with an INC+12digits reference number, then, normally, within 5 business days, a Kaspersky Technical Support human will communicate with you, also by email, you may continue to engage with the Kaspersky Technical Team via email or by updating the INC in your MyKaspersky account.

Please let us know what they advise, when the information is available?

Thank you🙏




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Hi Flood, thanks for the welcome. 



Support response Aug 31 2020, 11:52:59 PM

Thank you for your patience. My apologies for the delayed response. Our Escalation Team have just replied to us with the latest update. Thank you for sharing your ideas, we have passed them on to our development team. Right now it's hard for us to say how long it will take to implement them because all features are planned and evaluated way in advance. But do keep an eye out for updates! Thank you for your time. Have a good day!

Technical Support Representative



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