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  1. Почему для постоянных клиентов стоимость услуг дороже, чем приобретение через стороннего клиента? Например сбермегамаркет....
  2. Boa Noite, eu estou com problemas ao tentar acessar minha conta na My Kaspersky pela primeira vez, todas as vezes que eu tento colocar a senha fica aparecendo: Não foi possível guardar as alterações. Tente novamente mais tarde. O que eu devo fazer?
  3. Hello to whoever this may concern; I've recently been getting a window pop-up (from svchost.exe) that temporarily freezes everything that is focused on the desktop, even while gaming, and basically alt tabs whatever I'm focused on for about a millisecond and then re-focuses back on whatever I was on. It's super frustrating mid-game because it stops everything for a split second then tabs back in. I did extensive searching throughout my PC, didn't do any suspicious installs recently, I just bought this PC last week and only installed my games and necessary trusted software. Went on Task Manager and looked at the file path for svchost and all that I saw was filepaths in System32 (so no signs of malware). I ran multiple malware software and not one has fixed the issue yet. I get a notification ~ 5minutes telling me about the Trojan from svchost from Kaspersky. I'm currently on Microsoft Windows Version 21H2 (OS Build 22000.918) Using Kaspersky Premium version (a) I'll also attach a log of the report I get regarding the trojan. I'd like to know a fix to this problem, as I don't want to get a notification every 5 minutes about it (I have notif's disabled, but still annoying seeing svchost.exe pop up as malware every 5 minutes)
  4. necesito una respuesta Urgente, ya que tenía mi licencia vencida y al comprar la nueva licencia para 5 máquinas me pide el código de activación anterior y Resulta que no lo tengo y no sé cómo hacer para obtenerlo el sitio de este producto es poco claro y dificil Agradecería alguien me responda y me ayude a saber cómo averiguar mi código anterior Saludos
  5. Diz que a verificação em segundo plano foi interrompida há 19 horas atras em 56%. Isso aconteceu depois de ter encontrado 6 positvos (trojan generico) na pasta temp do Windows. obg
  6. Our businesses Endpoint Security Cloud subscription came to an end earlier this month, so we upgraded to a Endpoint Security Cloud PRO service for up to 6 devices. I activated this new license in our Endpoint Security Cloud workspace online -- went smoothly, and confirmed our new license was activated. Also seemed that our old devices had transferred seamlessly to the new license. On our devices, some of us had to upgrade our Kaspersky Endpoint Security desktop applications and restart our devices. Once doing so, we checked our license status and can clearly see that the new license has been activated. (image below) However, on our online Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud workspace, I checked on our devices and found that the current status is 'critical' for most of them. Some however, are 'OK' (see image below) Why is this happening? Is there an extra activation that must be done locally on our devices?
  7. Here's an interesting article I have read recently regarding "malware hiding inside images". https://gizmodo.com/malware-images-virus-photos-pictures-how-block-antiviru-1849572516?fbclid=IwAR0bD94-LvGKCbznJ0Dh2wNH3xb_BFz0F-sJDAX92MKtqfY7UiKtUcQHHlo I personally did not know about this until recently. I didn't know that this was possible. But of course, this technique makes sense because images are clusters of data and there's data within the data. My question is simple, as the heading implies. Can Kaspersky security suite of software scan images for malware? I've kept website scans of all URLs enabled and I want every website that I visit to be scanned by my Kaspersky antivirus. I want to know, do Kaspersky's anti viruses also scan images along with the URLs on elsewhere on a website? If not, are Kaspersky working on this feature right now? If not, then my request would be to work on this. Thanks.
  8. How when Kaspersky new version (Standard,Plus,Premium) available in Thailand? and I use Kaspersky security cloud-personal will upgrade to new version?
  9. Versão do sistema operacional: Windows 11 PRO 22H2 build 22621.105 Nome do aplicativo Kaspersky: Kaspersky Total Security Eu realizei a instalação do Kaspersky Total Security em meu Windows 11, o programa instala normalmente, atualizo o banco de dados, porém depois de um tempo ele tenta atualizar novamente o banco de dados e crash em 21% da atualização, não sendo possível nem abrir o aplicativo, ficando praticamente sem utilidade alguma. Mesmo reiniciando o computador ele aparenta estar normal, porém depois de alguns minutos ele faz a mesma coisa. Não consigo abrir ele de jeito nenhum, apenas reiniciando o computador, porém mesmo reiniciando o computador depois de um tempo ele faz o mesmo erro de crash.
  10. I want to use the parental control feature that was available in the older version of KIS. Currently, In the new version it says to download the KSK which have missing features. How do I get older version of KIS? There should be a "not interested" option in the older version right where the red box is:
  11. i was browsing a site then a pop up wanted to download apk in my device i clicked cancel but kaspersky detected a file and it said that an infected file cannot be placed in quarantine after that i didn't find the apk in my downlaod folder
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