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  1. I am not able to use expedia with secure keyboard. I am not able to type in the destinations under flight section as the system forces me to use Kaspersky secured keyboard for some reason! and that keyboard just doesn't work! Has anyone else faced this problem? even after disabling it from kaspersky privacy settings and restarting the browser, I am still struggling with this problem. Any solutions?
  2. How hard is it to give us an option to disable that very annoying popup? Your users have been suffering for years and have been asking for a way to get rid of the secure keyboard input popup while still having the feature ENABLED and working in the background, but things are the same even with your latest editions (Kaspersky Plus). I think whoever thought it was a smart idea to remind the user about it every single time shouldn't have the power to manage and develop your software. Im a paying customer since 2006 and I had to turn off this feature and live without it whenever it came out (it's definitely been 5+ years). I just moved to a new computer and I've been configuring my settings and guess I will still need to disable it and live without that feature for many years to come...
  3. I'm trying to install kaspersky stander plus, once downloaded the installer do nothing. I have tried: Run as administrator Clean temp files Installed framework 4.8 Windows updates are up to date I dont know what else to do. The installer does not run on windows 10. The wizard to instal the antivirus does not appear.
  4. So I have a Logitech-macro on my left mousebutton that I use in games and it worked fine before I installed kaspersky. Now whenever I'm ingame the macro does not work anymore, I've created exceptions for Logitech-GHUB and the game (Tarkov), but still the macro won't work. :(
  5. My Windows version: WIndows10 22H2 (OS Build 19045.4651) Kaspersky PLUS The problem: After the lastest Kaspersky PLUS's Application update, my On-screen Keyboard becomes bugged. You can see from the 2 screenshots, my mouse cursor was positioned at Number 0, but it counts as Number9. I have been using Kaspersky for many years, and I use On-screen Keyboard for many years, this bug never happened to me before.
  6. Hi, I'm not sure wether this is the right forum or the right english term for it, but I have a problem with that little window that opens whenever I try to enter something into a searchbar. As seen in the screenshot, it completely blocks a large part underneath the searchbar for no apparent reason. A lot of the time it blocks auto completion or other stuff for several seconds, making the work process slower. I think I don't have to be reminded that the secure keyboard input is active everytime I want to enter something. Is there a means to have that box toggled off?
  7. quick scan dose not appear in the dropdown list of windows
  8. I installed Kaspersky Total Security today, with a one year subscription. However, after it did a scan and restarted the computer, my keyboard and mouse have stopped responding. I tried other keyboards and mice, both wired and wireless as well but it did not work. But they still work on the biOS screen of the pc. I could not find a recovery boot option. So I would like to have help with this.
  9. Hallo! Habe soeben erstmals Kaspersky auf meinem Rechner installiert, der Grund war, dass am rechten unteren Bildschirmrand ein kleines quadratisches Fenster aufging mit der Meldung "quick driver update" - ich halte das für einen Virus oder sonstigen Trojaner oder Müll. Nach der Installation und vollständiger Systemprüfung erscheint das Fenster immer noch. Es lässt sich mit dem Task Manager unter "task beenden" wegklicken. Weiss jemand, was das "quick driver update" ist? - ein Virus, Trojaner, sonstwas?
  10. RymMokhtari

    Keyboard not working

    Hello. I just installed Kaspersky internet security and right away my Lenovo yoga 7i keyboard stopped working. Tried several methods before finding the registry method. Problem is, I follow all the steps, I delete the "klkbdflt" entry from the registry leaving only "kbdclass". I hit ok. Then when I close the registry, it comes back as it was: both entries appear in the UpperFilters. What do I do now? Please help, I need this machine for work. When I change it: When I open it again:
  11. Dear KIS Community I don't know why KIS block Brave Browser every first time launch it. When start browsing, it is blocked. Second time of launch it I can browse. Moreover, If I exit my second times browser window then third times is not work too. Unless reopen it (4th). Error by the following action like this. Moreover, I can't find the solution of such this case over Google also. Please help. If the problem still exist, might not renew license. Really bored.
  12. Hi all , I have a VPN software called SurfShark takes long time to launch because of Kaspersky Standard. I've changed some settings in Exclusion of applications but I don't know if that safe or not ? At past I used multiple VPN software launch Fastly with no delay just this software. Hope to tell me about what I did if it's safe or not ?
  13. I have tried several times to figure out how to set my Kaspersky Plus to launch upon startup. There are instructions out there on the internet, but in the "security" area, there are so many places...& cannot figure out which one to use. I always purchase Kaspersky products & have never had a problem with any, however this one is really confusing me. I think it important that the app launch upon startup, otherwise how would I know if I'm protected. Thanks in advance!!!
  14. Merhabalar, age of empires 4 oyununu Steam dan satın alıp indirdim. Fakat oyun başlangıçta yükleme ekranında kalıyor ve ileri gitmiyor . Fakat Windows+ r den Kaspersky nin hizmetlerini kapatınca serverı aramaya başliyor . Nasıl son verebilirim Windows 11 CoreSinglelanguage x64 Kaspersky plus üyelik Sürüm :
  15. When I try to open the Valorant game I get a message saying "Cannot guarantee authenticity of the domain to which an encrypted connection is being established", and even if I click continue the game does not open, and not only that, but from then on the game never opens unless I restart the computer and I get the message again. SSL connection with invalid certificate detected;Riot Client;RiotClientServices.exe;
  16. I have Kaspersky Premium. "Previous application launch failed". Apparently after few minutes when Windows boots, Kaspersky crashes and opens up again and displays this error. And it does the same several times again during the day. It's really annoying. I have contacted customer support and gave them all the necessary files (dump and system info files), It's been 3 weeks and I haven't heard anything back. I went so far as to fresh install the latest Windows 11 (ISO on Microsoft's website), but nothing changes. I do not have any cracked software and everything I installed are genuine and properly bought. I thought the issue may be due to system stability, so I did a memory test overnight and did some burn-in benchmarks and there are no errors. No other program on my system acts weirdly. I have also tried "Kaspersky removal tool" and did another installation of Kaspersky, but the issue persists. I am very close to uninstalling this for good, and I don't want to, I really like Kaspersky. Please help!
  17. Does Kaspersky install its own mouse or keyboard drivers or change mouse/keyboard registry settings anymore? I read there were some issues regarding this in the past. And why would the software have to do any such thing? Excuse my ignorance but I’m a noob at antivirus. considering switching from Norton to Kaspersky. thank you
  18. when I boot my computer and Kaspersky starts I get this popup window saying "previous application launch failed" and asking if I want to send data. I have sent it a few times, but I have no idea what application and what to do about it. Is it talking about Kaspersky? If so, why is it happening and how do I resolve it?
  19. I would like some help with this message that keeps popping up every time I start my computer, I've uninstalled and reinstalled the software three times and it always reappears, the message says "The previous startup of the application failed" and a report has to be sent , I already sent the report that the message asks for but even so it reappears, I wanted support for this and in the application settings there is no function that disables sending data, and at the time of installation I unchecked the option sending data to report, I request clarification on the matter...
  20. Hello everyone, After I updated Kaspersky Free to the latest version my keyboard stopped working. I tried many solutions but nothing worked. Please help.
  21. Hello guys, Currently i am running Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 22H2 Build SO: 19045 with latest Microsoft Windows 10 updates. I was using Kaspersky Cloud Free as my antivirus. Yesterday i received an update for my anti-virus for the newest Version I cannot open On-Screen Keyboard even if i press the shortcut keys CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+P. I also uninstall the antivirus completely and remove all leftovers. I also Uninstall only one of my web browsers Mozilla Firefox I downloaded the latest version available on the global website from Kaspersky and from My Kaspersky (Downloads). The version is the right one for European countries. If you remember well i already faced this problem in the past. But on that time Seem's there isn't any version available for European countries, so the resolution was removing completely Kaspersky free from my system and install the Kaspersky Security Cloud Free. I think I will make the same when you find a solution, please tell me OK! I did a Microsoft Windows Clean install on March 30, 2023. I am running out of ideas to fix the problem! I use Home Banking a Lot i need my On-Screen Keyboard to put the Password instead of Physical Keyboard. I think it's safer! But if nothing of this works in either Browser I will be forced to downgrade. But i also think that sooner or later my anti-virus will want to make the upgrade happen again. So, what can i do to avoid that? Thank you very much for the time that you will spend to try to find a solution. Best Regards. Hugop.
  22. I just want ask you if it is okay use not officially released product. So on my local website kaspersky.cz is still version 21.3... And i have link for download czech version 21.8 and also for 21.9 newest version i thinkg. These versions are not released officially on kaspersky.cz (will be later). It is okay use it? And what about share this link with others? Or it is forbidden? Please only special statement from KL employee for example @Danila T. or @Igor Kurzin Thank you
  23. Hi All I have the same issue and I am using KIS (Kaspersky Internet Security) ?? Sorry for party crashing your topic. I am on a single computer using win11 updated a ASUS Keyboard (CERBERUS (K2)) USB - The "block" is random and from time to time?? - I just exit Kaspersky and turn him back on... But it is really frustrating - when I am typing and suddenly --- No reaction!! I don't have BADUSB attack and any of all those settings you showed here..? Hope for a solution Stay Frosty Netz
  24. How can I disable the Kaspersky keyboard prompt in password fields using browsers on Windows 10 PCs? Nick
  25. I left my computer alone for two weeks, When I returned my Kaspersky icons had disappeared from my desktop. Kaspersky still appears to be running but I cannot launch it from the apps list and get the same annoying dialogue as the original poster. Kaspersky also cannot open the secure browser to my Bank or other financial sites. I have tried downloading Microsoft.net framework and reinstalling it but this achieves nothing either. Is this some monkey business from Microsoft?
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