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  1. Hello, If you want to quick upgrade to 2021 build, you should change a registry key of product. The overall product push progress is pushed gradually in stages. Regards.
  2. Hello. Try hold the Option (ALT) key on your keyboard during computer loading. And select KRD boot.
  3. Just to be sure, can I launch tracing from custom tools and in the mean time take Procmon logs without change Self Defense on KSC policy? I had some issue after policy change so I'd avoid to change it.
  4. Therefore is it possible to launch a ps1 file or the command must be directly write on the field? Thanks in advance
  5. Hi, Is it possible to remotely execute powershell commands from KSC custom tools? I found this topic but it didn't help me: https://forum.kaspersky.com/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&controller=topic&id=382442&tab=comments#comment-2751988 I need to launch some powershell commands, for example a software list like this: Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion, Publisher, InstallDate | Format-Table –AutoSize > D:\swlist.txt Other example, pending updates. $update = new-object -com Microsoft.update.Session $searcher = $update.CreateUpdateSearcher() $pending = $searcher.Search("IsInstalled=0") foreach($entry in $pending.Updates) { Write-host "Title: " $entry.Title Write-host "Downloaded? " $entry.IsDownloaded Write-host "Description: " $entry.Description foreach($category in $entry.Categories) { Write-host "Category: " $category.Name } Write-host " " } Thank you
  6. Is it possible remotely launch Kavremover from KSC with a specific command about the product to uninstall? I found only login settings. Run the tool from the command line with the parameter: kavremvr.exe --password-for-uninstall:%PASSWORD% --MSIPARAM:KLLOGIN=%login%, where: %login% stands for the user name for the product) %password% stands for the password for the product
  7. Thank you for the quick response, Flood and Flood's wife ! Looking forward to the Fix. Speaking of which, does Kaspersky Team make the List of those Known Issues accessible to us Users? It would help us to anticipate such Problems before making queries like what I did above 😅 . I myself would bookmark the List's page for sure for future reference. Thanks again!
  8. Flood and Flood's wife

    Loading the Application (KIS) after PC restart [Closed]

    Hello IrvZaritsky, Welcome! Is KIS configured to "launch" at computer startup? To confirm KIS is active (without you manually selecting KIS application), please reboot, after logging in, don't select KIS application at all, start Taskmanager, check KIS application status? --- Please also tell us: (1) Operating system full name x home/pro/beta? version? build? release? What Version of Windows Do I Have? (2) KIS (free or licensed? - see below for this question), version? patch(x)? x= letter How to find the version of your Kaspersky Lab product (3) Please post an image of the KIS dialogue box? Thanks so much. Kaspersky free has limitations, if we know the software in use we are able to provide more accurate analysis, information and solutions.
  9. Hello @LadyBeetle, Thank you for posting the detailed information👏 & for updating your Avatar image, that’s especially pleasing, I 😍🐞 s Kaspersky protection extension current version is: Please do the following: 1Chrome: Run Restore settings to their original defaults Exit Chrome, do not restart atm. 2Windows: Create a System Restore Point. Go to: C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\ copy folder Default to your Desktop. Go to: C:\Windows\Temp delete everything in Temp, there may be a few files/folders requesting “Admin permission”, grant the permission, & there may be a few files/folders “In use”, select Skip. Go to: C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Local\Temp delete everything in Temp, there may be a few files/folders requesting “Admin permission”, grant the permission, & there may be a few files/folders “In use”, select Skip. Go to: Programs & Features, uninstall Chrome. Shutdown PC, using full Shutdown, not Restart. Power computer on, login. Start KIS, make sure it’s active. 3KIS: Run a manual Database Update, allow it to complete, do not use the computer while it’s running. Run a manual Fullscan, allow it to complete, do not use the computer while it’s running. 4Chrome: Download and install a new Chrome Start Chrome browser. Check Kaspersky Protection extension version? Check if the icon is green hexagon with eye? Check if Kaspersky Protection extension has full functionality? 🛑 If Kaspersky Protection version is not, if the green hexagon with eye remains, if Anti-Banner, Private Browsing & OnScreen Keyboard are not available via the extension, please let me know?🛑 Regarding: “I am looking for old files to delete.” ⛔ Please do not use this method to clean up any Kaspersky software⛔ Thank you🙏
  10. Agentgraves84

    Green Sheild Missing From Google Search

    Thanks so much for such a quick reply. I’m glad to hear its a known issue and will hopefully be fixed soon.
  11. Hello @LadyBeetle, Welcome! ☢ v20 has new software compatibility requirements, when KIS was upgraded, was KIS19 uninstalled first? If “no”, please check: List of applications incompatible with Kaspersky Internet Security 20☢ (and) please tell us: Operating system name & version ? KIS20 version & patch? Chrome version? Chrome Kaspersky Protection extension version? Is Kaspersky Protection extension enabled, with permissions set as follows: May I have an image of “green hexagon with the eye” please? 🛑 Have you tried uninstalling & reinstalling KIS?🛑 ⛔ Regarding: Secure Keyboard Input popup, Kaspersky no longer provides this feature in any Chrome version after Chrome 68⛔ Please let me know? Thank you. Additional references: Kaspersky Internet Security 20 System Requirements Kaspersky Internet Security 20 release notes for Patches A – F Kaspersky Internet Security v20 Library
  12. The same problem for me …. when nothing is running kasperksy free is takin 30+ % looking like is mining or what …. i`m really angry and if this will not be solved i will remove it …. someone have any solution now ? I`m not interested to contacting anyone i just want quick solution ., This persist for month maybe more … and i did try everything i found on this forum …
  13. FLOOD Hi, Here's GSI report. you requested. Cleared KIS reports launch Adobe CC Desktop App sign in there after a while, click 'check for app updates' and it gets signed out. launched GSI then started scan my computer including Windows event logs here it is. check PM Do I need to export reports you mentioned however isn't it included in GSI? I don't know how to do that.
  14. Could you write how this component is called in the Russian version? There is a program launch control, program activity control. Or is it another component?
  15. Hi Potzki You can add whitelist the site by adding it to the exclusions of the encrypted connection scanning of kaspersky. To do so: Open Kaspersky > Settings > Additional Go to Network Scroll down and look for Manage Exclusions Click on "Add" then enter: www.live.com.au Click on "Add" again to save the settings. Once done, re-launch your Outlook and check if the issue is still there. Let us know of the result. Regards,
  16. Posting this to let everyone know that EAC is now the problem and that this error is happening with other antivirusus and that their anticheat is causing their games to not load for many people period. I am one of these people and wish that there was a way to completely destroy all traces of EAC in my system besides hard deleting them but i cant so i will be stuck with this issue till they fix it. (uninstalled Kas. and tried to launch several games so this is how i know EAC is the issue + some redditors I will make a new edit when this is resolved)
  17. Please describe in detail where you started from, where you went and what you want to do, and where you ended up at. How to take and post screenshot: https://support.kaspersky.com/common/diagnostics/492 PrtSc (Print screen) key (upper right part of keyboard)> open Paint (Start > All programs > Accessories) > Edit > Paste, File > Save as (jpeg or png, Not bmp). When replying, bottom left of reply box > Drag files here to attach, or choose files... Submit reply.
  18. "are you suggesting Kaspersky would launch a MITM attack" - is unknown. "would not be able to check Https transfers for viruses" - nice. "you can switch off the feature to scan encrypted traffic" - thanks, I'd rather delete Kaspersky. Thanks for answers. All clear.
  19. Eugene_ Re: "When I connect to any site (HTTPS) I see "kaspersky antivirus personal root certificate" this is SOP - NORMAL. On the other hand, manually importing Kaspersky certficates, is only necessary under certain circumstances. Re: "theoretically, such a root certificate gives the owner the ability of MITM attack", are you suggesting Kaspersky would launch a MITM attack? :thinking:
  20. You can create a policy, as you said. Or you can try to upgrade you KES by inplace update. You can create installation pack of new KES and launch setup. It should install it succesfully. And with ne wversion and new policy you can change your password also. I have already tried this and installation fails with a fatal error. It does install over the current version without uninstalling it and because there is a password set it will not uninstall without password.
  21. Hello Wesly.Zhang ---Re: Test: c:\program files(x86)\kaspersky lab\{product name}\.copy avp.exe to the desktop ---Re: Delete original avp.exe Re: " AVP self-denfense can't be closed", AVP self-defense is closed. ----Why is this necessary? Has Kaspersky released the fix Wesly.Zhang, Anton Mefodys ? Regards. Hello, FLOOD This is strange behavior. Let's do the second test: confirm self-defense is turn off. "Settings --> Additional --> Self-defense --> confirm uncheck "Enable Self-Defense"". Setting --> General section --> uncheck "Launch Kaspersky Internet Security at computer startup (recommended)" reboot pc Go to C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab\AVP20.0\Bases\Cache folder. Delete all files and folders. Let me konw the result. Regards.
  22. Hello @rpol, Thank you for replying. 🛑 Windows 10 version ?🛑 Open the dialogue box Run by pressing Win + R keyboard hotkey Type winver and click OK. The information about the version will be available in the window opened. How long has KAVF been installed ? Were System requirements & Software compatibility checks performed before installing KAVF? Please run a GSI & Windows Logs, upload the folder to cloud & post back the link please? Please run Windows in SafeMode with Networking, test if the issue is replicated? Please let us know? Re 64bit, please refer to advice from @Schulte in @nexon’s post 32 bit application on 64 bit system? & an old topic, from the original Kaspersky Forum, raised by @jameswesthead, KIS 2016 Runs as 32 bit on 64 bit Windows 10 Thank you
  23. Advanced disinfection stuck at 1% and 0 files scanned. Other scan like quick scan just keeps loading.
  24. You can create a policy, as you said. Or you can try to upgrade you KES by inplace update. You can create installation pack of new KES and launch setup. It should install it succesfully. And with ne wversion and new policy you can change your password also.
  25. Большое спасибо!! Скачаю чтобы всегда было! Подведу итоги, для устранения ошибки можно попробовать: Полностью удалить штатными средствами KES с хоста, перезапустить устройство, заново попробовать установить KES (помогло мне) Если не получается штатными средствами: Удалить через актуальный kavremover (https://support.kaspersky.ru/common/uninstall/1464),ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО перезагрузить ПК. После включения ПК, запустить установку (учёткой с админскими правами); (помогло 06aaa) Воспользоваться информацией со старого форума а именно - установить драйвера отдельно, инструкция ниже и ссылка ниже Инструкция: Please install klhk.sys_x64 driver manually. To do so please right-click at inf file and select install from context menu. After the driver is installed please launch installation once again. Please inform u about result. Thank you! Ссылка на архив - https://yadi.sk/d/42Pt6pAwHfh4ZQ
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