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  1. Thanks Berny for quick answer I will collect asap , where to send it ?
  2. @kdoiwu43n Welcome. Please see → "Previous application launch failed" error message appears
  3. Any news on this issue? I have the same problem after upgrading from KIS to KPlus. Sometimes the desktop icon does not appear in the taskbar and if I launch it manually it goes red and then quits.
  4. Good choice. Apparently senility is contagious. I'm 75, been using KAV since it came out. I was hoping the dementos fog wouldn't reach to Colorado, but apparently it's being flown in with H5N1 vectors. At any rate, I came here to find out why I have a California download available but not a US since, in the US, practically, California is not attached to anything. Didn't know about the dementia-elosi-lensky outbreak at the Department of Commerce. Explains the choices. Downloaded the Global and the California and they have different filenames and sizes, by 100k no less. Presumed the extra 100k was languages but it turns out California is the larger one. My normal paranoidity presumes so Google can embed privacy breaking products, but that's just me. I do note, that since Google is now embedded in the website and other platform downloads, I should grow curious as to whether the Department of Commerce feels it's powerful enough to instruct Google to not download Kaspersky products or provide information on it's webpages, or hcaptcha security checks and, thus, cut Google's profit margins. If Kaspersky lawyers were used to US current insanity they would ask Google to sue for interference with global and interstate commerce . Court battle would be quick since Google doesn't hesitate to bribe judges. Anyway, after the above stream-of-consciousness. Anyone know if it's possible to download KAV products for android, mac, linux, and windows off the Google platform and onto something like fDroid?
  5. Sorry for not answering timely. l don't have wifi or permanent internet access. 1. lt's (64-bit) 2. lt's 3. Yes 4. l installed it once upon a time from extension store iirc. l don't remember. lt became problematic recently. lt didn't give warnings before. 5. l can not get it to show me the warning now. lt is undeleteable though. l just deleted another extension and its gone but adlesse comes back. l open extensions folder in AppData\Local\Yandex\YandexBrowser\User Data\Default\Extensions and its folder literally manifest itself right in front of my eyes as i launch the browser.
  6. I could had a quick scan running on safe mode hard crash my system on demand, i even sent them the video. But sure, it is not destabilizing. And now my system is still not restarting randomly, i wonder why it is stable now.... So typing this was a massive waste of time. Thank you anyways. I bet Kaspersky is also grateful for your free service.
  7. Hello @George Whittle, Welcome! Read: Turn off/on automatic display of the onscreen keyboard - it needs to be *unchecked* Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋
  8. My question regards the "Kapersky keyboard" that shows up on my Mac every time that I try and key in a password. It blocks my ability to see what I am typing withmy own keyboard (or if I use the Kapersky keyboard), and sometimes I can't make the keyboard disappear. Is there any way to just not have the Kapersky keyboard show up on my screen at all. I never use it, and it just gets in the way.
  9. Simple. In my case, switching between languages is done with Ctrl+Fn+F12 and Ctrl+Fn+F5 when you are on the main screen of Kaspersky Standard. (The official advice from Kaspersky was Ctrl+F12 and Ctrl+F5, but for my keyboard an additional "Fn" press was required). Please try this.
  10. Hello @S.E., Welcome! Uncheck the options (you) require in: Secure Data Input settings - image 1 OR Add an exclusion for specific websites, see image 1 above & image 2 below Result: Any issues or concerns please post back? Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋 Resource: How to configure protection of data entered on the computer keyboard
  11. Hi, I'm not sure wether this is the right forum or the right english term for it, but I have a problem with that little window that opens whenever I try to enter something into a searchbar. As seen in the screenshot, it completely blocks a large part underneath the searchbar for no apparent reason. A lot of the time it blocks auto completion or other stuff for several seconds, making the work process slower. I think I don't have to be reminded that the secure keyboard input is active everytime I want to enter something. Is there a means to have that box toggled off?
  12. Advice and Solutions (Forum Knowledgebase) Disclaimer. Read before using materials. In cases when you need to diagnose an intermittent network issue, or capture an event that occurs only once in a while, you may need to use ring-buffer mode in Wireshark. In this mode, the number and overall size of the capture files will be fixed and when the limit will be reached, the newest data will start continuously overwrite the oldest data in the capture buffer. Below, you will find instructions for how to configure this capture mode: Download and install Wireshark from the official website, if you have not done that already. Launch Wireshark and click Capture options. On the Input tab, uncheck option Enable promiscuous mode on all interfaces and select interfaces from which you want to capture traffic. If you are not sure which ones to select, look at the graphs in the Traffic column to determine which interfaces are active and select all of them. If you are completely lost, you can also select all interfaces. On the Output tab you configure where the resulting files will be saved, the ring buffer capture is also configured here. It's a good idea to create a separate folder to store the capture files. The screenshot below shows optimal configuration for the capture settings. Note that the space occupied by the capture files will be equal to the size of a single capture file multiplied by the number of files in the ring buffer. In our example it's 500 MB * 8 = 4000 MB, which is the optimal size to upload to Company Account portal. You can modify these parameters to allocate more or less space for the capture files, though we don't recommend making it less than 2 GB. Use of compression is optional. With it, more data can be stored within the same file size, but it also can increase load on the CPU. Disable this option in case of performance problems. When everything is configured, click Start to start the capture. Please, pay attention that when capturing traffic in the ring buffer mode, it's very important to monitor for the occurrence of the event that you need to record and disable capture as soon as possible after the event has occurred, otherwise the relevant part of the capture may be overwritten. The timing is especially important, when using smaller sizes of the buffer. When the capture is finished, click Stop capturing packets, then Close this capture file. Pack the resulting files into an archive and upload it to your Company Account.
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  13. Thanks for that quick response. We've done a second scan and the summary lines of the report is attached. It looks like the dll is now gone.
  14. @harlan4096, I remain confused. 🤷‍♂️ Please confirm or correct my interpretation of the Forum Guidelines, which state that posting live links is permitted, provided that they are not to a site or product in competition with K products. I don't profess to know what enhanced rights Moderators have, but my interpretation of the Forum Guidelines is that, as a Member, I could have posted a live link to AdwCleaner in your topic, assuming it was relevant to solving the member's problem . . . ? I also do not see any prohibition in the Forum Guidelines to members posting live links to other posts in these Forums . . . Just to give you some background, I got a warning PM from @Alexandru_BD, the Forum Administrator, of my previous antivirus solution Forums. It was one of the straws that broke this camel's back. I posted there just what you had posted here to assist one of their users. I am trying to seek clarity. I have no wish to be cautioned or banned. My online reputation is very important to me. I need to understand the rules here. Your response did not shed much light for me. Perhaps I am not as quick as I used to be . . . It would be wonderful if you could explicitly spell out the Forum Moderating and Admin Team's expectations. I did receive some good advice from @Flood and Flood's wife, in one of my early posts here, that it would be wise for me to be very cautious until I learned the dynamics of these Forums. I have been a member of enough Forums for long enough to know that there are always "Forum politics," as I term it. I have no interest in that. So, following that sage advice, I seek only clarity to avoid being cautioned or banned. Signing off now for the day. Have a great day. Regards, Phil
  15. Hello all, Thank you for looking; I appreciate your time! KIS version Win 10 Home x64 Build 19045 KIS has begun briefly crashing and restarting within seconds, both passively and especially during full scans. The crashes during scans happen at different points in the scan i.e. not at the same % completion / block of files being scanned. I can still complete quick scans, and background scans complete successfully. At first I could start a new full scan and it would complete most of the time; now it crashes at every full scan. When KIS crashes, I get a notification (as expected) from Windows Defender that I should turn on Virus Protection. There have been no significant changes to my OS environment other than Win and KIS updates. I have not installed any other programmes recently. I am not running any other AVP.
  16. There were no discussion I've posted last month. What happened actually for 9 days aprox. at May 12th 'rootkit/background scans' were not saving in the full report page like other scans. So with my old habit everytime these scans were about to happen I've kept tracked the time would start accordingly to my clock and when they would stop by checking how many minutes the last background/rootkit finished. And made a log everyday on notepad. That is how I've managed to keep tracking these scans since there bugging for no reason. And I've thought Kaspersky might be aware, collecting information gathered from their client base to figure out what issue is and get resolved as soon as possible. So I would not bother with another topic about an issue as this since unknown bugs are always related to updates and changes and since KS is set to update daily by automatic. Is an unknown ground which updated blew this off. Yesterday, I've noticed a similar symptom happening when I'd execute a 'quick scan' and when went to check 'full report page', there were no log about that 'quick scan' and the last detail was from another scan. So I have booted the computer and then I've started running path selected, or 'selective scans', 'quick scan' once more and somehow managed to save these reports at 'full report page'. At late last night after several searches and automatic database updates. What I have noticed is at 10:02 p.m. all scans/verifications I have started were being stored at 'full report page'. I may have antecipated with no further study and conclusion which gets a wrong image about my presence. So anyhow, it seems like is back to normal by sort of and if the next it happens another bug. I'll wait a day or two before spreading anything at the forum. My apologies for unwary discussion I should have gathered more information before posting this.
  17. Hello @Psiu47, Welcome back! Do you have an example of how the Report is when the problem does not exist? When this *similar* issue happened - that (you) observed around 12th May 2024, was a topic raised by (you), we cannot find any? OR perhaps (you) escalated it to Kaspersky? *IF* the report was logging *path* for Quick, Full, Background etc - potentially there could be thousands of paths in the report... Our Background & Quick scan from the 11th of June 2024 or the 15th of May 2024: May 2024, Selective scan, shows path, see image Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋
  18. Ok...seems like is only affecting 'quick/full scans'. Ran another 'selective scan' or path file and it did save on report page.
  19. 'Report' page column is not saving or updating anymore which includes detailed information regarding viruses scan like 'full/quick/path file or external devices'. Not sure yet about background/rootkit scan since last time it happened was at 3 a.m. And going to wait untill it start 24 hours after. This similar bug happen to occur last month around May 12th and took more than 9 days to Kaspersky acknowledge that existing issue. And I was still studying that proccess and symptoms and wait so others could report this as well. Although back then that bug was only affecting 'background/rootkit scan'. But this happening out of the blue again but instead got to affect all type of scans on report page is one thing to get me annoyed. So I'm making this report as fast as I can so it get fixed as soon as possible. Last known scan was save and it happen to be 18 hours ago and the update pulled a search for at 1:39 a.m. of 06/10. Then at the same day on 7:00 p.m. this bug started. Any action I'd initiate like viruses scans were not properly being saved at report page.
  20. I kept using your product even after i realized you charge more to the people renewing the licenses than the new buyers (i guess you think old customers are there to be milked)... I kept using your product even after i realized your servers were still inside Ruzzia even after you announced you left that bog (it was already paid, the damage was done).... I kept using your product even after your "quick scan" was shutting down my pc, and so often that it even ended up roasting my SSD (sent all of the evidence i had to support, mostly circumstantial mind you, even with a video and they couldn't believe it was their fault). But the last straw was having my pc restart constantly and without warning, completely randomly, and just because enabling the VPN (no logs, no nothing, not even system dumps!, months and months troubleshooting, I only made the connection that the pc was crashing/hanging/restarting ONLY AFTER i enabled the VPN and not at a set time but randomly afterwards, even if it wasn't already running... uninstalled and the pc has not restarted ever again since, ¿what the hell else are you doing to my pc that i don't know of?). You had a good product, the competition probably is not as good as your product, but it is definitely good enough to make the jump and just leave these licenses unused. I am trying really hard not to express all the expletives i think you deserve, but you just are not worth my time anymore.
  21. Hi again, thanks for replying. I am searching in the actual vault (KPM app) not in the browser - (I know it sounds strange, it's really weird, presumably a bug). I have sync'd (it auto syncs but I checked also). I tried to take a screenshot to show you all is up to date but it seems that KPM cleverly prevents screenshots whilst open. You asked "iStorm cannot be found in the actual KPM vault application, on the computer", is that accurate please? " Yes, that is accurate. Autosave & autofill is ticked for 1. logins & password & 3. Bank cards (not 2. addresses). Thinking ahead, I thought you would recommend next that I reinstall this app on my PC so as I also use the iPhone and iPad KPM app every day I tried searching on that and it also doesn't appear there. The common denominator then is the website itself and the main thing I can think that's different to maybe all other sites is that it's mainly in Greek language (I have to use Google Chrome translate on the site). I did wonder whether it has saved in KPM in the Greek alphabet but when visiting the site the URL is in English as you can see from my screenshots. I did try translate and searching for 'καταιγίδα' in case but no luck. I have tried in KPM app scrolling down all entries to letter 'i' but there's nothing for istorm there. I am looking in 'all' and not 'favourites' It doesn't seem to appear in 'recents' but not all recent sites do (upon testing). Strangely when trying to log in on iPhone, tapping on the login name/email which displays the 'key' icon above the keyboard, on tapping the key which opens KPM app, it says 'no matching password' and 'show passwords' can't find it in search. Only the Chrome browser on PC recognises the website address and gives me the green KPM icon as per screenshots you've seen. I can't think of any other info to help identify this strange issue.
  22. Dear Sir, Thank you very much for your quick respose. I couldn't find this particular page - yashasviworld . com/products?id=7&data_from=brand&page=1 as mentioned in your reply. Can you please confirm whether this script is in database or in Webpage.
  23. Flood and Flood's wife

    Rootkit Scan Not Starting Automatically

    Hello @GuiBesb, Welcome! *READ: Kaspersky for Windows, Background Scan - especially the parameters that control Background Scans* *As FYI - the Rootkit scan is run as a part of the Full Scan & the Quick Scan* *Second 'tip', IF (you) haven't done so, for Full & Quick Scans -> *after* running a clean scan, select -> Scan only new and modified files. Export Kaspersky Settings - see Manage Settings images at the end of reply. Restore Kaspersky Settings - see Manage Settings images at the end of reply. *Don't import Kaspersky Settings/config file while the problem is being worked on* Shutdown the computer using SHUTDOWN, not Restart, power computer ON by pressing the power button, login. Make sure Kaspersky Plus is running. Don't *manually* run a Rootkit scan, wait for it to run. IF the Rootkit scan does not *automatically* run in 36 hours *after* doing steps 1 to 5, log a request with Kaspersky Customer Service: https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c#contacts - on the support page, select either Chat or Email, then fill in the template as shown in the image below; please include a *detailed history*. Support may request logs, traces & other data, they will guide you: Now the ORIGINAL config can be Imported. Please update the Community with the outcome? Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋 Manage Settings:
  24. That's an enough powered system to get those issues are getting 🤔 About the detection of Your 1st post: PowerShell it's a Windows legit app, but it's true that it can be abused to execute malicious activity in the system, Kaspersky in those cases, can't delete PowerShell for obvious reasons, but blocks the malicious activity or any other malicious files spawned about that abuse... I never run Full Scans in my system, that's so crazy at best, and in a new system with all new files it may take hours... I run Quick Scans adding in the scope the folders: And with these tweaked settings: Security Level -> Extreme And enabling these settings: In Full Scan settings, you may enable this settings, to run it faster the later scannings: Just because progress remains at 1% for a long time does not mean that it has stopped or frozen there, that % may eventually be updated
  25. Every second word about MBAM. Please stop. This is kaspersky forum not MBAM.. You wrote that you are experienced in many forums but you need learn basics on forum. If antivirus is not included in av comparatives test that means company of anitivirus dont want test it because they know that it is in poor shape (means bad protection, or mabye bad performance, many false positives etc).. I really dont want mentione a company bud i remember one german company was verry popular 20 years back... But now is missing in tests (still exists company but in tests is missing) why? Read above... As we wrote every antivirus have a special part (kaspersky have great detection behavioral, ksn cloud, Quick detection, anti ransomware detection etc)
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