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  1. when I boot my computer and Kaspersky starts I get this popup window saying "previous application launch failed" and asking if I want to send data. I have sent it a few times, but I have no idea what application and what to do about it. Is it talking about Kaspersky? If so, why is it happening and how do I resolve it?
  2. Hi, I was just checking my Kaspersky license(s) the I noticed that notice(s) and notifications in notification area (bell icon) is in another language. For example, when My Kaspersky just opened (by clicking menu from Kaspersky Standard > Profile) there are two notices. One saying I have to authorize first to access My Kaspersky, the other one is about Kaspersky PURE license isn't being used but in Spanish (notifications area also in Spanish). After a refresh, the notice and notifications area changed to French. screenshots attached All other element(s) still in English and the site is set to English (I even re-set it to English) How and why did this happen? My laptop region and language setting is English (Indonesia). Installed keyboard layout are English (active) and Japanese (inactive)
  3. Leo24


    • Actually, it was recommended > Speed up your PC > Quick Startup > Disable autorun of rarely used apps to speedup your computer's startup... Encompassing - Wondershare App... • Concerning Internet drop-outs issue, 28 episodes from 01-Oct-24 to 08-Nov-24 were depicted for you on 09-11-24. Such as: Warning 08-Nov-24 15:26:24 Event 27, e1dexpress Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I218-LM Network link is disconnected.
  4. Thank you for your extremely quick reply - it is very appreciated. That's interesting and good to know! Thank you again; I like to keep track of updates.
  5. I don't get any alerts. When I type in my user name & password, the site tries to tell me that my user or p/w is incorrect, which it is NOT. When this happens, I have to pause protection, but that doesn't necessarily rectify the issue. As explained, I have to go through the pains of changing a p/w...but then making sure I use the virtual keyboard. If I've paused protection, then why would the virtual keyboard be working? Frankly this is becoming a royal pain in the neck! One site is protected in "safe money"., but again, if I pause protection...I can't access that site without going through the dreaded steps I've just described. In my second site, I can reach the site...when I attempt to sign in with my username & p/w...I get nothing...so again, I have to pause protection. Ridiculous! alectrautilities.com Ig.ca Sorry I forgot to mention the browsers you made reference to. Yes, it pertains to both Chrome AND Edge.
  6. I would like some help with this message that keeps popping up every time I start my computer, I've uninstalled and reinstalled the software three times and it always reappears, the message says "The previous startup of the application failed" and a report has to be sent , I already sent the report that the message asks for but even so it reappears, I wanted support for this and in the application settings there is no function that disables sending data, and at the time of installation I unchecked the option sending data to report, I request clarification on the matter...
  7. Hello @openurwindow, Welcome! Quick Startup has a *limited* list of applications because it's *only* those apps that are starting at boot time -> Kaspersky has designed the Quick Startup tool to enable users to disable any apps in the list that are not essential & or not run daily, that's why it says: Speed up computer at start-up -> please read: Quick Startup. In (your) computer - is there an application that's starting at start-up, that's not listed ? IF 'yes', please provide more details, name of the app, version? Which Kaspersky software version? On Windows taskbar *hidden icons*, rightclick the Kaspersky icon, select About? Which Windows 10 & Build, in Windows Search, type WINVER, select the app & post back the winver information please? The change that (you're) proposing would need to be submitted via a Feedback, I have a suggestion OR I have a complaint *but* first, let's try to understand a little more about the issue by providing more information please? Please post back? Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋
  8. Wesly.Zhang


    Hello, @Leo24 Received, then there is no problem with the file itself, so let's investigate who loaded this file and made the error. We may need to try to find some clues in the Windows logs. We need to get here. Start by pressing the Win + R keys on your keyboard. Second, in the pop-up Run window, type: eventvwr.msc and press Enter. Check the opened System Event Viewer for anything about the kernel32.dll error and see if there is any mention of the process that went wrong. We are waiting for your reply if you find relevant content. Regards.
  9. I bought kaspersky total last year on an old xps 15 9550 with windows 10 pro laptop. When I used it, I had a huge issue where my keyboard didn't work at all. I use it connected to 2 external monitors and use a wired keyboard. Neither my external keyboard nor my laptop keyboard worked. I then did a lot of trial and error in kaspersky total settings and then somehow my keyboard worked. After that, I don't recall it having the issue with the keyboard not typing. My main concern here was because I use bitlocker and it required a pin at startup and then ask for a windows 10 password, that would still meant If i powered on the laptop, I could still type my bitlocker pin and windows password to get in right? Now just recently, I purchased a new windows 11 pro laptop. I installed kaspersky total on it and also moved the settings from the old windows 10 pro laptop to the new windows 11 pro laptop. I exported and imported the kaspersky file to the new windows 11 pro laptop. Just recently, my keyboard didn't work. Not only that, when I used my wireless mouse to click on icons on my desktop... it was right clicking. I think I had the same exact issue last year when I first got kaspersky total as I mentioned the above example in my 1st paragraph. I then did a full scan and it was fine. I then decided to pause kaspersky, and once I did that, my keyboard worked again and so did my mouse clicking. I then resumed kaspersky total and keyboard and wireless mouse works. Now can you tell me what exactly triggered this? What setting in my kaspersky sometimes causes my keyboard to not work? This makes me want to just pause kaspersky and use the microsoft windows defender that comes with windows. My bigger concern however was let say my laptop went to sleep and I needed to enter my local account password to get in to my desktop. How would I even do that if I can't type at all with my keyboard? I would have to shut down and restart my laptop as my only alternative right? Now in this situation, my keyboard would still work at startup right? Because I have bitlocker enabled on windows 11 pro so I need to enter my bitlocker pin and then my local account password to get into my desktop. So would I been stuck where I would need to do a clean reinstall if it got to this situation? Or my keyboard has to work at startup when it shows bitlocker screen?
  10. Leo24


    "Maybe you can tell us which program you run when this error appears" •Please be informed that during download pdf articles, such announcement ..."kernel32.dll ... Entry Point Not Found"... popped up twice on two separate occasions. Also such announcement popped up, while using Pdf Creator, within an attempt to "print" the selected article. Moreover, Acrobat Reader DC version 22.3.20314.0 used to freeze for ~ 10 seconds after file opening. So, it was uninstalled and replaced with the earlier AdbeRdr11010. "whether there is any malicious program activity on your computer" •In fact, Internet drop-outs persisted for some time! Ten minutes after starting Internet session and then variously. As I was about to finish and while checking Wireless Network Connection Status, often interruption occurred. • "You can send a screenshot of the error here" Sadly, I failed to figure it out on my Latitude E5540 (Win 7 Pro), while using Fn + Print Scr keys. Possibly, due to the planned obsolescence by Dell. Consequently, some keyboard keys didn't work, yet the numeric pad numbers functioned OK.
  11. Hello. Thank you for your quick reply. 1 I use Opera and Firefox 2 I don't know how to check if I'm using Incognito / Private mode? but rather not, because I didn't change it. 3 I didn't install anything extra. 4 Yes, the problem repeats. 5 The problem started a week ago. 6 I'm using Windows 11 7 Kaspersky Premium 8 Yes
  12. 'Report' page column is not saving or updating anymore which includes detailed information regarding viruses scan like 'full/quick/path file or external devices'. Not sure yet about background/rootkit scan since last time it happened was at 3 a.m. And going to wait untill it start 24 hours after. This similar bug happen to occur last month around May 12th and took more than 9 days to Kaspersky acknowledge that existing issue. And I was still studying that proccess and symptoms and wait so others could report this as well. Although back then that bug was only affecting 'background/rootkit scan'. But this happening out of the blue again but instead got to affect all type of scans on report page is one thing to get me annoyed. So I'm making this report as fast as I can so it get fixed as soon as possible. Last known scan was save and it happen to be 18 hours ago and the update pulled a search for at 1:39 a.m. of 06/10. Then at the same day on 7:00 p.m. this bug started. Any action I'd initiate like viruses scans were not properly being saved at report page.
  13. Hello guys, Currently i am running Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 22H2 Build SO: 19045 with latest Microsoft Windows 10 updates. I was using Kaspersky Cloud Free as my antivirus. Yesterday i received an update for my anti-virus for the newest Version I cannot open On-Screen Keyboard even if i press the shortcut keys CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+P. I also uninstall the antivirus completely and remove all leftovers. I also Uninstall only one of my web browsers Mozilla Firefox I downloaded the latest version available on the global website from Kaspersky and from My Kaspersky (Downloads). The version is the right one for European countries. If you remember well i already faced this problem in the past. But on that time Seem's there isn't any version available for European countries, so the resolution was removing completely Kaspersky free from my system and install the Kaspersky Security Cloud Free. I think I will make the same when you find a solution, please tell me OK! I did a Microsoft Windows Clean install on March 30, 2023. I am running out of ideas to fix the problem! I use Home Banking a Lot i need my On-Screen Keyboard to put the Password instead of Physical Keyboard. I think it's safer! But if nothing of this works in either Browser I will be forced to downgrade. But i also think that sooner or later my anti-virus will want to make the upgrade happen again. So, what can i do to avoid that? Thank you very much for the time that you will spend to try to find a solution. Best Regards. Hugop.
  14. I finally resorted to stopping Kaspersky from starting up on next Restart. I got my software downloaded and installed, then restarted Kaspersky. Quick scan to check for threats - none detected. The file disappeared again so I know it's Kaspersky that is deleting the file and there is zero warning or record of the deletion - this is not acceptable. I want Kaspersky to aggressively protect me but not without my knowledge.
  15. Hello @Psiu47, Welcome back! For (your) own privacy & security please hide all personal information before posting to any public forum. With all bugs (you're) finding do not assume the Kaspersky 'programming staff' somehow magically know about them & will fix them; please follow the correct process & log incident requests with Kaspersky Customer Service so the issues are registered in the Kaspersky system & allocated to the expert Kaspersky teams; you can also make posts in the Forum but please include the logging of the issues into (your) process. We don't know which "bugs" (you're) referring to - they're not discussed anywhere in this topic & our recommended process is a clean install always which (you've) eventually done, successfully - which, without seeing historical data from your machine implies there was a problem with the previous installation. Again, no idea what "quick mouse action got back to normal" refers to, it's not discussed anywhere in this topic, but it's clearly fixed. Ok. fixed. Don't understand this question, please provide more information? This has been complained about by a multitude of Kaspersky users, our observation so far is Kaspersky has not shown any indication that they're willing to change it, nor have they explained why they've designed it as they have; they are aware it impacts people with vision issues. In Interface settings there's Design theme, with Dark option, it still has the two different colours but may be more comfortable (for reading/focus)? This is a known issue, currently in hand with @Mikhail Shakhov, please read: URL Adviser / URL Advisor not working (green icons missing in searchg results). Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋
  16. Hey there again fellas from Kaspersky forum. It have been quite a while I was resisting to use Kaspersky Standard and by then there have been bugs it were annoying me for months and the thoughts about the programming staff be willing to fix them were being left aside. I had to push my attempts to fix the problem by myself. Relieved I am by today as the unknown bugs were resolved, there have been few more problems I'm highlighting here. Went to My Kaspersky and downloaded once more KS installer. I've tried repairing the installation but no effects and bugs were still occurring. Then I pushed forward to uninstall the whole antivirus program and putt to install from scratch. After two consecutive OS restarts, the quick mouse action got back to normal. KSN / virus scan are displaying as should and seems to bug on report page are no longer disappearing. However this kaspersky4win202121.19.7.527pt_46480.exe installer is a differnt version which I've noticed later. So what was the deal for using Kaspersky Standard before? Other observations I've noticed is that the interface for KS is somehow mixed with a gray color bar on the left that makes the reading on the right side be harder to focus. Tried to change the interface between simple and Operating System match but made no any impact at all. Is the company looking forward to fix this color layout? Other question why is Kaspersky Protection extension on Google Chrome 130.0.6723.117 browser not popping the indexed information KSN window when I move mouse cursor onto those green K icons? They work as intended on Microsoft Edge but on Google Chrome they won't.
  17. I left my computer alone for two weeks, When I returned my Kaspersky icons had disappeared from my desktop. Kaspersky still appears to be running but I cannot launch it from the apps list and get the same annoying dialogue as the original poster. Kaspersky also cannot open the secure browser to my Bank or other financial sites. I have tried downloading Microsoft.net framework and reinstalling it but this achieves nothing either. Is this some monkey business from Microsoft?
  18. Hello, Please check this article for further details about adding an Applications Launch Control rule : https://support.kaspersky.com/KSWS/11.0.1/en-US/178908.htm
  19. After I installed the antivirus it just FULLY DISABLE my keyboard and any keyboard even USB. I can't use the keyboard other than the virtual one... I need to re-enable this URGENT, I need my keyboard working on my notebook, I need this working Don't show me links, because all the links I found are either with an old version of the antivirus, or are on any other subject once again, after installing the antivirus, my keyboard on my notebook WAS TOTALLY DISABLE, IT IS DEAD, AS IF IT WAS TURNED OFF, NOT EVEN CAPSLOOK WORKS, and before you ask, it worked PERFECTLY BEFORE INSTALLING THIS ANTIVIRUS I PAID AND NOW I AM NO KEYBOARD.
  20. Hello, I'm using Kaspersky Plus and I have an issue with downloads. Whenever I try to download something from a browser, Kaspersky blocks it. This is especially noticeable with medium to large size files. Kbs files most of the time are no problem cause they're quick enough to download. But the larger files get blocked during the process. It happens on every site, even files from the Kaspersky website get blocked. If I suspend the Kaspersky protection, I'm then able to download files without problems. Kaspersky Plus version:
  21. Hello everyone, After I updated Kaspersky Free to the latest version my keyboard stopped working. I tried many solutions but nothing worked. Please help.
  22. Having upgraded to Premium from Total Security, the virtual keyboard in Safe Money no longer functions correctly. Clicking on the keys does not always register, so passworded files and websites are very difficult to access unless I resort to using the real keyboard, which defeats the point of having a virtual keyboard for security
  23. Hi, After installing Kaspersky I used quick scan after it my pc went black for 2/3 mins. Idk exactly. After that my pc restarted, but my mouse cursor disappeared even tho my mouse is on and same with my keyboard they both have rgb so I know that they are on, but aren't working. I can press any button, but it's not going to work. My mouse is Model O and the keyboard is Genesis Thor 150 After I saw this problem I thought maybe taking mouse usb and keyboards wire and putting them in would work, but nothing. Now I don't know what to do because I can't do anything I have another office mouse with a wire I put it in and still nothing the cursor just won't appear. I downloaded the best version of Kaspersky free trial please help me
  24. Hi All I have the same issue and I am using KIS (Kaspersky Internet Security) ?? Sorry for party crashing your topic. I am on a single computer using win11 updated a ASUS Keyboard (CERBERUS (K2)) USB - The "block" is random and from time to time?? - I just exit Kaspersky and turn him back on... But it is really frustrating - when I am typing and suddenly --- No reaction!! I don't have BADUSB attack and any of all those settings you showed here..? Hope for a solution Stay Frosty Netz
  25. How can I disable the Kaspersky keyboard prompt in password fields using browsers on Windows 10 PCs? Nick
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