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  1. It exports blank.. there’s literally no info.. this is what confused me so much as well. I am not sure what to do other than maybe taking screencast showing you a scan and the result I see?
  2. Here you go flood.. if this is not the page you want, let me know and I’ll get the correct one.. I hope this is what you meant.
  3. Hi, thank you for your reply. I will run the full scan again and take a screenshot when it’s done :) Talk soon.
  4. Hi, I am having the same issue.. I did try the log non critical option, and it’s just too large.. Kaspersky said “one cloud objects were skipped”.. to find that ONE in such a massive report is impossible.. I already tried for half an hour and can’t do it. I would just like to know why this is happening and how to scan that object. I do not have one drive installed, i.e, with my new laptop, i uninstalled it. It’s an Aorus X5 V8 which came with very little junkware and no other malware protection like most laptops do.. in other words I was able to install kaspersky total security as the first and only AV suite on the machine… So I have no idea what could possibly be in the cloud that kaspersky can’t scan. I did have express VPN open at the time so I closed that and re scanned, and again, the same message about one file being skipped. Any ideas? is the version of Kaspersky Total Latest threat definitions. I have all default settings as the program was installed.. I haven’t mucked about with anything. The first time I performed a scan one week ago, after initial installation and threat database update, there was no such “cloud” message after scan. I have chrome installed as well as the new edge. I do not use kaspersky safe money (I will make another topic as to why, i’d love to use it, but the keyboard is broken here so I can’t use it). I am trying to think of anything I may have touched but really it was just a plain jane default install that followed all the recommended suggestions.
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