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  1. 近日,我使用的卡巴斯基,一直有这样的提示,烦请协助处理 事件: 检测到无效证书 SSL 连接 用户类型: 未定义 应用程序名称: chrome.exe 应用程序路径: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application 组件: 网页反病毒 结果说明: 已阻止 对象名称: e2c25.gcp.gvt2.com 原因: 此证书或者在证书链里的某个证书不是最新。 事件: 检测到无效证书 SSL 连接 用户类型: 未定义 应用程序名称: chrome.exe 应用程序路径: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application 组件: 网页反病毒 结果说明: 已阻止 对象名称: iprotect.cloudcore.cn 原因: 此证书或者在证书链里的某个证书不是最新。
  2. Yup. These days, the update looks like had some unsusal delay. That’s make me worry about.
  3. For me the database is at 18:47 2022/3/7 and it’s 2022/3/7 20:53 (CST) @Danila T. please help to find the difference between two individual clients. Thanks Hello @ttcath There's nothing to worry about, as I did a manual update and I'm in sync with you: database date: 10:47 (CEST-1) Local time: 14:00 (CEST-1) OKay then. But please clarify the frequency of the update of the database.
  4. For me the database is at 18:47 2022/3/7 and it’s 2022/3/7 20:53 (CST) @Danila T. please help to find the difference between two individual clients. Thanks
  5. For me the database is at 18:47 2022/3/7 and it’s 2022/3/7 20:53 (CST)
  6. Now the database is 2022/3/6 22:30 and the time for me is 2022/03/07 00:08(CST) Thanks @ttcath Now for me (CEST-1) the database is 2:30 PM and it's 4:50 PM Now the database is 2022/3/7 16:24 and the time for me is 2022/03/07 20:15(CST)
  7. Now the database is 2022/3/6 22:30 and the time for me is 2022/03/07 00:08(CST)
  8. But today, the database not updated as usual. Please check
  9. So, there is no affect on the conficts between Ukrain and Russia, and well send the update package as usual as before?
  10. I saw the datebase was update at 2022/3/2 5:55. and I feel worried about during the conficts among Ukrain and Russia, does Kaspersky will provide the service as usual as before. Thanks!
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