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  1. Clash并未设置为全局代理模式,流量使用局域网代理转发到localhost上的Clash Core,退出卡巴斯基后问题不会产生,代理软件不起影响
  2. quted at other post This issue not been fixed unless I turn on global proxy for browser in Switchy Omega. Disable add on neither Switchy Omega nor Kapersky help nothing. New installed chromium browser without once installed Kapersky addon works Ok.
  3. 我有相同的问题,但关闭流量注入后Chromium浏览器工作仍然不理想,代理插件显示卡巴斯基注入脚本依然不能被加载,页面依然加载缓慢
  4. Maybe I'm not having same issue. Chromium Browser with Kapersky Addon embedded could not resolve any website instantly, unless it was set go Proxy server instead.
  5. May I have URI which could reference? It would solve my problem.
  6. Maybe I could personally re-distribute software package for you due to there's no verification download the file.Url is shown below: DolbyAtmosConversionTool_2.1.2_07765940_Win64.msi Detection info on my machine is same as VirusTotal shows. Log is shown below: 应用程序名称: CompatTelRunner.exe 应用程序路径: C:\Windows\System32 组件: 文件反病毒 结果说明: 检测到 类型: 木马 名称: UDS:Trojan-Banker.Win32.Emotet 精确度: 确切 威胁级别: 高
  7. Due to legal limitations, it is unavailable to provide original file for you. But there are some lnfo available VirusTotal - File - 2698015bbf8cf5fb6d4e6e318446716353e2d952922ac96ea68242ebb4999399
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