Hello @Flood and Flood's wife thanks for taking time to look at that, and sorry for my late reply.
Regarding your questions.
1. Letter 'j'
2. Could not find that searching for CORS or Cross-Origin in the settings ?
3. Yes, I tried to disable all my current extensions and restart the edge process, same error
4. ....
5. When I was writing that I did not have that extension installed on my edge, I went there, installed and *BOOM* now I can see the collections on Edge ?
For some reason that extension seems to be necessary, and I was not aware of that.
And this only works if I have the anti-banner deactivated, otherwise the content is blocked, and since the address do not start with http* and yes with edge:// I cannot add this site in the "allow list" ... what is not a big problem as I use AD Guard to block banners and stuff.
Well problem solved I guess ?
Thanks again ?