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  1. Arreglado. He desinstalado el programa y vuelto a instalar y parece que ya funciona. Pienso que la instalación no se hizo bien al instalar sin quitar security cloud ( lo hizo el instalador ). la versión es . so w10 profesional x64 build 19045. gracias . marcado como resuelto
  2. El problema que tengo es que la extensión kaspersky proteccion no se activa en edge. se instala pero no se llega a activar. En chrome no tengo ese problema. Windows 10. Antes tenia security cloud y se activaba sin problemas.
  3. The problem has been solved. I have received this reply from kis support Dear Customer, Dear customer, we hope you are well. Thank you for contacting Kaspersky support. Fixed bug 6428211, the solution will be available through the database update. thanks
  4. The problem has been solved. I have received this reply from kis support Dear Customer, Dear customer, we hope you are well. Thank you for contacting Kaspersky support. Fixed bug 6428211, the solution will be available through the database update.
  5. I have reported the incident to support. However, I think the problem comes because in collections Microsoft has introduced suggestions for collections and I think that's where the problem comes from. Cannot disable start collecting edge collections However, it seems that it already works by enabling antispam in kis
  6. the same error with kaspersky plus however when I disable antispam from the extension in the browser, collections are displayed ?
  7. I have the same problem. Collections work when antispam is disabled. Tje software is kaspersky security cloud family. Occur in all my computers I can't add the URL edge://collections/ to allow sites in atispam section
  8. y una pregunta, se activa al introducirla en Mi Cuenta KL o cuando se activa en el primer dispositivo?
  9. Hello, My question is this. I currently have Total security and I have a month's license left. If I activate security cloud in the option to enter activation key, will the license time start or, on the contrary, will it start when the KTS license ends? Thanks
  10. Hola, mi pregunta es la siguiente. Actualmente tengo Total security y me resta un mes de licencia. Si activo security cloud en la opción de intrucir clave de activacion, comenzará a correr el tiempo de la licencia o por el contrario comenzará cuando termine la de KTS? Gracias
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