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  1. My device: Lenovo IdeaPad Pro 5 7840HS+32G, supports Windows Modern Standby S0 sleep mode Kaspersky: KAV, all settings are Kaspersky default What Happened?: Yesterday at 23:31, I closed the computer screen and went into sleep mode, but it was still connected to the power supply. The Wi-Fi network was still connected since it is in S0 mode, but the fan turns off during sleep. At 23:45 I opened the screen to check the computer time, but did not unlock the desktop, and immediately closed the screen lid again to go to sleep. At 23:57 I unlocked and entered the desktop, and found that my laptop was massively hot, with the temperature reaching almost 60 C degrees, and I realized that it was Kaspersky that had been continuously scanning in the background during sleep, but the fan cooling wouldn't work during sleep, so the temperature spiked. Kaspersky log: Background scan: started yesterday, 2023/10/12 23:32:05, ended yesterday, 2023/10/12 23:57:17 (25 minutes and 11 seconds), scanned 873763 objects Problem and Suggestion: Recent years many lightweight laptops and business laptops support S0 sleep, which allows the computer to continue to connect to the network and keep some software running while it sleeps, but Kaspersky shouldn't take advantage of this feature to perform background scanning even if the user is connected to the power supply during sleep. This is because while the components are kept working during S0 sleep, the heat dissipating components like fans are stopped, and it can lead to crazy high temperatures if scanning continues in the background.
  2. 更新:我目前已经关掉自动后台扫描了。这功能每次更新病毒库会扫描、每隔六个小时也会扫描,希望能增加一些限制条件,比如笔记本电池模式、睡眠状态、metered网络就别扫了。
  3. 我的设备:联想IdeaPad Pro 5 7840HS+32G,支持Modern Standby S0睡眠模式 卡巴斯基:KAV,所有设置均为卡巴斯基默认 事件过程: 昨天23:31分,我合上电脑屏幕,进入睡眠模式,但仍然连接着电源。因为是S0模式,所以WiFi网络也还是连接的,但睡眠期间风扇会关闭。 23:45我打开屏幕查看电脑时间,但没有解锁进入桌面,立刻又合上屏幕进入睡眠。 23:57分解锁进入桌面,发现电脑巨烫,温度达到将近60度,发现是卡巴斯基在睡眠期间一直在持续后台扫描,但睡眠的时候风扇散热不会工作,所以温度飙升。 问题和建议:最近几年的轻薄电脑和商务笔记本很多都支持S0睡眠了,可以在电脑睡眠期间继续连接网络、保持一些软件的运作,但卡巴斯基不应该利用这一点进行后台扫描,即使用户睡眠期间是连接电源的。因为S0睡眠期间虽然会让元件保持工作,但散热部件是停止的,如果持续在后台进行扫描会导致温度失控。
  4. 我刚才也出现了,26个字母+数字+标点符号+空格按键不可用,其他比如Windows键是正常的,重启解决,目测是安全键盘保护功能。楼上说可能是浏览器插件的问题,我表示这个bug在系统全局都存在,出现的时候微信、teams也无法输入。
  5. 设置中的这项,已经说明了开启好会占用大量的系统资源,我想请问各位开发:这个影响是仅在发现威胁、处理威胁的时候会造成,还是日常使用也会时刻影响?是否有性能影响的统计数据?
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