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  1. Matrixology, after working with support and having their engineers look into it, I was informed that the part that is failing are components we aren't using (we do have the mobile device plug in, but no devices, so not sure if that's it). I was not informed what was failing though :/ . Our desktops and VMs are getting updates, we were able to confirm by update version on the systems. so, for now it’s a bother, but not effecting protection - for our site anyways. I recommend checking your SVM or light agent for the date of updates applied to them. You may be okay too, but checking there, is the only way to be sure. They did have a work around if we were still having issues, its a separate program that downloads the updates, then deposits them to the KL repository so it can push them to systems. That may be a solution for some.
  2. same problem here, support has assisted us with tickets to 0 success. Bypass the firewall for the server - didn’t resolve issue clear the repository, delete the update task, make a new one. - didn’t resolve issue back up the config, uninstall KL management, reinstall, restore - didn't resolve issue Putting in a new version is NOT an option, as it will break the encryption of the large amount of laptops deployed. Might as well move to another product if that is needed.
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