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Posts posted by loriemccl

  1. I've used Kaspersky for years.  I was in the process of my most recent renewal when I was notified I would be emailed the information needed to complete my transaction.  Now, they already had my name, credit card, etc., so I was curious to see what else was required for me to be a valid customer.

    Wow!  They wanted photos of my driver's license or passport.  What?! 

    Please note, that I am not purchasing an identity protection product.  With those products, I've only seen the requirement being a valid social security number.  Nonetheless, this seemed outrageous to me.  I wasn't registering my vehicle or purchasing a commercial airline ticket.  This was to renew a software product.

    I eventually got a customer service representative on the phone.  That was fun.  He repeatedly said, "That is necessary to complete the purchase."  I repeatedly asked, "Why?" 

    While talking with the representative, I looked up their sales processing service:  Nexway.  On that company's site, their privacy statement repeatedly states they can use your information in any way they wish.  This is data mining at its best.  Nexway will be packaging and reselling all that information to customers globally (they have offices around the globe).  You do enough without my knowledge that I don't need to willingly offer up information for which you have no need other than your organization's bottom line.  It is of no service to me.  My money should be service enough.

    At my request, the service representative took my contact information and said a supervisor would be contacting me by phone.  He was kind enough to even ask what time was most convenient for me.  It sounded friendly and even sincere, but that was 4 days ago, and I've still not been called.  I doubt I will be.  Oh, well.

    I don't give my hairdresser my social security number either.  It is not relevant to our transaction.

    I will no longer be using Kaspersky products or recommending them to anyone.  It is unfortunate that they have chosen this invasive practice in their business.  I will not encourage or support it with my funding.


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