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Juan Francisco

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Everything posted by Juan Francisco

  1. But upgrading to 64 Bits has its benefits, more performance, more security and stability. The new versions should be 64Bits by default. Hint for developers.
  2. Currently, one of the few apps installed on my windows 11 laptop that runs on the x86 architecture are KTS and KPM. Why don't you make the application available in the correct CPU and OS x64 architecture?? Why stick with the legacy x86 architecture?
  3. I upgraded to 22:2 from Win 11 a few weeks ago, and KTS is working normally including updating virus definitions. Note: I'm also Brazilian.
  4. Não tenho screenshot, mas aparentemente o Bug foi resolvido. Se ocorrer novamente eu aviso e registro.
  5. Olá meu KTS 2020/21 apresenta um bug quando tento fazer a captura de tela a partir do programa Lightshot. Isso não deveria ocorrer pois não estava mexendo com Marketplace nem site de bancos. O problema ocorre com PDF, explorador de arquivos e até área de trabalho. Por favor corrija esse BUG!
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