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Igor Kurzin

Kaspersky Employee
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Everything posted by Igor Kurzin

  1. Hi @FLOOD, thanks to your repro steps, I was able to reproduce. The guilty component is Private Browsing (at least in my tests). Hi @ROSIEBO, I got your INC number, thank you! We are on it. Please disable Private Browsing component, will it help? If yes, please keep it disabled as a temporary workaround. I will update this thread when this is fixed.
  2. hi, sorry to hear about this issue. Please submit a ticket to technical support via my.kaspersky.com and send me the INC number via private message. Thank you.
  3. Ciao, puoi inviare un ticket al supporto tecnico tramite my.kaspersky.com. Includi nella tua richiesta un report GSI speciale. Ecco le istruzioni su come farlo: https://support.kaspersky.com/us/common/diagnostics/3632 Fammi sapere il numero dell'incidente da supportare.
  4. Hola, Si el problema persiste, envíe un ticket al equipo de soporte técnico para la investigación adicional a través de my.kaspersky.com Saludos, Igor
  5. К сожалению, в текущей версии продукта можно выставить только одно из условий, но заведено пожелание на реализацию данного сценария в будущей версии продукта.
  6. @Nickat, sorry to hear about this issue. Please contact technical support via my.kaspersky.com if the workaround to disable the option Use hardware virtualization if available (Settings - Additional - Additional protection and management tools) does not help.
  7. ursus2, please do not post malware on the forum. You can contact technical support via my.kaspersky.com with description of the issue.
  8. @dyadyaAndreika Попробуйте временно переименовать профиль Chrome: - Закрыть Chrome - В браузере Chrome зайти в chrome://settings/, в разделе Пользователи, если включена синхронизация, нажать кнопку Oтключить. - Затем нажать на клавиатуре Win+R, вставить в поле c:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome нажать OK. - В открывшемся окне переименовать папку User Data в User Data 1 - Открыть Chrome, будет ли блокироваться реклама youtube? - После проверки можно закрыть Chrome и переименовать папку обратно (созданную автоматически папку User Data можно удалить)
  9. Спасибо за информацию. Реклама в Firefox так же не блокируется, верно?
  10. Сохраняется ли проблема на данный момент после обновления баз?
  11. Hi Ursus2, you can put it into a password protected archive and send to technical support with description of the issue. Thank you.
  12. Hi ptoye, also please include traces in your request to support. Collect them via this scenario: - start product - enable tracing - restart PC - open Kaspersky product window, go to More Tools -> Manage applications -> Software Updater -> click "Start search". - wait will the search completes. - start update of Foxit (if possible) - stop tracing Here is the instruction how to collect traces: https://support.kaspersky.com/14551
  13. Hi, please submit traces with description of the issue to technical support via Consumer Support Contacts How to enable traces: https://support.kaspersky.com/14551 enable traces restart PC run a scan to detect the trojan try to Resolve the detected threat (restart PC if needed) stop tracesSend the tracelogs to support in an archive (to reduce the size of the files) Also please see: Link
  14. Чтобы скрыть сообщение от продукта добавьте сайт www.necacom.net в исключения в Настройки - Дополнительно - Сеть - Настроить исключения - Добавить.
  15. Большого смысла сохранять еще один cmd.exe нет, cmd.exe на месте, т.е. командная строка будет работать. Файл cmd2.exe можно удалить.
  16. Попробуйте инструкцию, например, https://remontka.pro/trustedinstaller/
  17. Hi Andy V, Sorry to hear about this issue. Please try to disable the option “Use hardware virtualization if available” in Settings → Additional → Additional protection and management tools (if you are using version 2020) or in Settings → Protection → Safe Money (if you are using version 2018/2019). Will it help?
  18. Merhaba, daha fazla araştırma ve çözüm için lütfen my.kaspersky.com adresindeki teknik desteğe bir bilet gönderin. teşekkür ederim
  19. Please also attach the file to your request to Technical Support in a password protected archive: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Warsim The Realm of Aslona\Warsim.exeThank you.
  20. Hi, most likely this is a false detection, that will be fixed with an update next week. Sorry about the incoveniences.
  21. Hello, this is a false detection, resolution is on the way, and will be published next week. Sorry about the incoveniences caused.
  22. Hi, have you submitted a ticket to technical support? can you share the inc number with me? It looks like a false positive, that will be fixed next week. But we need to check the traces and traffic logs to say for sure. Thank you and sorry about the inconveniences caused.
  23. Hi, yes, the patch "f" was released. If you still experience issues, please submit a ticket to technical support and send me the INC number via private message. Thank you.
  24. hi, please submit a ticket to technical support team via https://my.kaspersky.com and include details about your purchase.
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